The relationship between the consumption of digital media, participation and political efficacy. A study about young university students in Colombia




Political participation, cybersphere, young university students, Colombia


The political participation is essential for the democratic consolidation, considering that through social engagement, citizens are able to achieve consensus and develop public deliberations. This is especially important in Colombia, a society surrounded by an armed conflict for more than five decades, as well as devastated by drug trafficking mafias, economic breach and the lack of presence of the State in some regions, among some of them. Methodology: Using a survey to 581 Colombian young university students, we evaluated the relationship between four categories that can be determinant for democratic quality, such as the consumption of digital media, online and offline participation and political efficacy. Results and conclusions: In our findings, besides a link between aforementioned variables, we observe a low consumption of traditional media in respondents, as well as a lack of participation -online and offline-.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Barredo Ibáñez, Rosario University

Daniel Barredo Ibáñez is PhD in Journalism by Universidad de Málaga. In his doctorate dissertation he talked about the representation of the King Juan Carlos I in the main Spanish media, which results – among others- were published in the book El Tabú Real. La imagen de una monarquía en crisis, a publication considered “relevant in its field” based on the prologue of PhD. John Balmer, Director of the Marketing Research Centre of London’s Brunel University (United Kingdom). Currently, he is main graduate studies Professor in the program of Journalism and Public Opinion of Universidad del Rosario (Colombia), where he conducts the research project “Public sphere and citizen participation: an approach of interaction construction in the main Colombian cybermedia (2016)”, funded by the Fund of Large Amount Projects of the same university. According to Google Scholar, his H index is 11.

Daniel Javier Garza Montemayor , Autonomous University of Nuevo León

Daniel Javier de la Garza Montemayor is PhD in Philosophy with orientation towards Political Sciences by Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL). He received the Summa Cum Laude award in the defense of his doctoral dissertation, and the José María Parás Ballesteros medal, in the “Postgraduate Studies’ Academic Merit” category of the Faculty of Political Sciences and Public Administration of UANL. He is also Law graduate and Magister’s degree in Business and Technological Innovation by ITESM, obtaining an additional title in these last studies as ‘Master of Science in Management’ by Babson College. He received the award of Candidate to National Researcher within the National System of Researchers for the period 2018-2020, granted by the National Council of Science and Technology (Mexico). Currently he works as Full Time Professor, Coordinator of the Master’s degree studies on Political Science and Coordinator of the Academy in Political Science in Graduate Studies of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations of Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. He also works as staff Professor in the Business Division of Universidad de Monterrey.

Dania Lorena Dias Castillo, Javeriana de Bogotá University

Dania Lorena Días Castillo has a Master’s degree on Communication by Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá- Colombia. She is currently the Director of the program of Social Communication and Journalism of Corporación Universitaria del Meta- Villavicencio (Colombia) where she manages the research projects: “Journalism in Unimeta; an audiovisual and digital production exercise” and “Scenarios of Communication and journalism practices; a view from Villavicencio’s Media”. She participates as researcher in the study “Public sphere and citizen participation: an approach of the interaction construction in the main Colombian cybermedia (2016)”, funded by the Fund of Large Amounts Projects of Universidad del Rosario Colombia. In her master’s degree dissertation she performed a project systematization: Woman, communication and political actions– a view from Mujeres por la Vida -San Vicente del Caguán- Caquetá (Colombia), in her graduate studies’ dissertation she analyzed the incidence of massive media in the communicational processes of families from La Paz neighborhood in San Vicente del Caguán Municipality Caquetá Colombia.


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How to Cite

Barredo Ibáñez, D., Garza Montemayor , D. J., & Dias Castillo, D. L. (2018). The relationship between the consumption of digital media, participation and political efficacy. A study about young university students in Colombia. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 945–960.


