Research for the assessment of media reputation




Media-corporate reputation, journalistic reputation, stakeholders, media reputation profile


The article presents the results of a pre-test conducted in Castellón in 2017 as part of the R&D project titled “Media reputation in Spain and Europe” (CSO2017-87513-R). Methods. A questionnaire exploring media reputation’s journalistic and business variables and 31 dependent variables was applied to 24 highly knowledgeable panellists. Questionnaire data were used to establish the journalistic and business variables of media reputation and the stakeholders on which media reputation depends. Results and conclusions. It has been concluded that it is not possible to assign a standardised media reputation profile to stakeholders, that the most economically important stakeholders are those that are more highly valued by panellists and that there are two defining values in media reputation: journalistic excellence and economic viability of the medium.


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Author Biographies

Yolanda Ortiz de Guinea Ayala, Rey Juan Carlos University

Temporary Full Professor at the School of Communication Sciences of the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC) where she works since 2001.

Vice-Dean of the internship department since May 2006 until October 2008.

Former member of the technical commission for social policy of the Department for Social Policy, Environmental Quality and Healthy University of the Rey Juan Carlos University, on behalf of the School of Communication Sciences. Former Academic Director of the master’s degree programme in Journalism of the Rey Juan Carlos University and the Efe agency (2008-2017).

Member of the UNESCO Chair in Communication Research of the Rey Juan Carlos University (

PhD degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Former journalist in different regional and national media (“El Adelanto”, “Radio Nacional de España”, member of the editorial board of the “Batuecas” cultural supplement of the “Tribuna de Salamanca” newspaper), as well as the communication office of the Summer Courses of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Former collaborator at the training department of professional products of Sony Spain

Justo Villafañe Gallego, Complutense University of Madrid

PhD degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Professor of audiovisual communication and advertising since 1989 and Professor of corporate reputation at the School of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Non-executive chairman of Villafañe & Associates, a consultancy firm specialised in the management of intangible corporate assets (

Member of several associations: Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts, City Reputation Lab, Dircom, International Press Club, Media Reputation Lab.

His most relevant publications include: Introducción a la Teoría de la Imagen (Pirámide, 1984); Imagen Positiva. La gestión estratégica de la imagen de las empresas (Pirámide, 1993); Principios de Teoría General de la Imagen (Pirámide, 1996); La gestión profesional de la imagen corporativa (Pirámide, 1999); La buena reputación. Claves del valor intangible de las empresas (Pirámide, 2003); Quiero trabajar aquí. Las seis claves de la reputación interna (Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006); La buena empresa. Hacia una teoría de la reputación corporativa (Pearson, 2013).

Carmen Caffarel-Serra, Rey Juan Carlos University

Professor of audiovisual communication and advertising at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid (UCM). PhD in Hispanic Linguistics from the Complutense University, where she is an Associate Professor at the School of Information Sciences.

Former director general of RTVE (2004-2007) and director of the Cervantes Institute (2007-2012). At theuniversity she has occupied management positions as Vice dean for Student Affairs and International Relations (UCM), Assistant Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and International Relations (URJC), head of department (URJC). 

Author of several publications in scientific journals, collective books and conferences on media structure, communication theory and methods, international communication and television.

Current director of the UNESCO Chair in Communication Research and Africa ( Member of the following scientific societies and groups: MCDS, ECREA, Advisory Board of the Women for Africa Foundation (, and Network of Women for a Better World (


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How to Cite

Ortiz de Guinea Ayala, Y., Villafañe Gallego, J., & Caffarel-Serra, C. . (2018). Research for the assessment of media reputation. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 845–870.




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