European Jewels: Camerimage, the uniqueness of a festival devoted to the art of cinematography




Camerimage, cinema, film festival, cinematography, industry, strategy


Camerimage is one of the scarce festivals devoted to cinematography that has received limited attention. Objectives. This research studies its strategies to promote cinematography; photographic styles boosted and impact on cinematographer’s professional career. Methodology. A mixed method approach is used with qualitative and quantitative techniques: participant observation; analysis of the programs and documents published by the festival; content analysis of the awarded films and analysis of the Internet movie database. Results and conclusions. Camerimage axes are cinematographers, audiovisual works excellent in cinematography and an audience concerned with the quality of cinematic images. Camerimage strategy is based on the awards given to excellence in cinematography, supporting continuous training, fostering networking among film creators; and building a community.This festival promotes a meticulous high contrast and scarce colour saturation cinematography adapted to each story, dominated by drama genre mainly focused in past time periods. Camerimage implies an impact in the professional career of men directors of photography from centre and north of Europe that get to increase their participation in the north American industry. 


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Author Biographies

Laura Cortés-Selva, Catholic University of Murcia

Associate Professor by ANECA. Graduated in Audiovisual Communication by Universidad de Navarra and in photography management by ESCAC (UB), since 2003 she is professor and researcher in the Area of Audiovisual Communication of Universidad Católica de Murcia.

Her research lines are focused on cinematogaphic photography, cinematographic style and methodology. She has published several papers and book chapters in publications of impact such as: Civic participation and interactive documentaries: a contribution to the open government modelEl sello del estilo visual de Dick Pope y Mike Leigh: análisis de su obra cinematográficaEn busca del VRCinema. Del cine proto-inmersivo al cine inmersivoPrincipales aplicaciones expresivas derivadas de la hibridación analógico-digital. El estilo visual realistaLa intencionalidad de los directores de fotografía en la evolución de la luz cinematográfica. Desde The kiss in the tunnel hasta AvatarViaje al centro de la inmersión cinematográfica. del cine primitivo al VRCinema

She also participated in several R+D+i national and European projects.

Montserrat Jurado-Martín, Miguel Hernánde University, Elche

Associate Professor by ANECA, she develops her teaching and research labor in the area of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication of Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche where she is Projection Coordinator for the Graduate Studies in Audiovisual Communication and editor of the MHCJ (

Graduate in Journalism by Universidad Complutense de Madrid, her main research lines are focused on cinema festivals, press and content analysis. Among her main publications there is: Los festivales de cine en España incidencia en los nuevos realizadores y análisis del tratamiento que reciben en los medios de comunicaciónLa Mostra de Valencia en el panorama nacional de los festivales de cine; Nuevas propuestas, viejos circuitos. El papel de los festivales de cine españoles en la consolidación de los nuevos realizadores.

Liudmila Ostrovskaya, University of Alicante

Associate Professor of Universidad de Alicante (Department of Marketing) and outsourcing consultant of marketing and commercial research. PhD by Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche in Marketing and Strategic Business Marketing. Author of scientific papers such as A redefined measure of the tendency to use brand name in purchasing decisions, Effect of materialism on the use of the brand name in purchasing decisions from a cross-cultural perspective o ¿Es el nombre de la marca un criterio de elección más usado por los consumidores? Un estudio cross-cultural en España y Rusia,   she also participated as lecturer in international congresses in marketing, commmuniation and commercial research areas. Professor in MBA programs and Master’s Degree in Marketing and Strategic Management


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How to Cite

Cortés-Selva, L., Jurado-Martín, M., & Ostrovskaya, L. . (2018). European Jewels: Camerimage, the uniqueness of a festival devoted to the art of cinematography. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 614–632.


