User experience and media. The three click rule in newspapers’ webs for smartphones




Digital media, smartphones, mobile devices, user experience, three click rule


Access to online information is carried out throughout smartphones, so is basic that newspapers websites for these devices are designed from a user experience perspective. This work aims at determining the number of clicks that users are willing to do in order to get the content they are looking for. Methodology: User tests are carried out to observe users’ performance and reactions while navigating these websites. The methodological approach is a concurrent design based on triangulation and it includes the collection of quantitative and qualitative data. Results: The number of clicks is not related to failure but it is associated with the perception of difficulty. Discussion and Conclusions: It is advisable for newspapers’ mobile websites to include a search engine which allows users to access information straightaway.


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Author Biographies

Lucía Jiménez Iglesias, University of Barcelona

Lucía Jiménez holds a Ph.D in Information and Communication. She has worked as Teaching Assistant in Usability and Multimedia Design (Universitat de Barcelona) and is now Associate Professor in Interaction Design (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya). She is interested in digital information design and new media platforms. H Index: 1

Carlos Aguilar Paredes, University of Barcelona

Carlos Aguilar is graduated in Physics and holds a Ph.D in Communication. He is associate professor in Audiovisual Communication (University of Barcelona) and also a member of the research group DHIGECS. He is interested in the analysis of information quality and the structure of the audiovisual system. H Index: 2..

Lydia Sánchez Gómez, University of Barcelona

Lydia Sánchez-Gómez is a Professor in the Department of Media Studies at the University of Barcelona (Spain). Ph.D in Filosophy by Standford University, her research interests are quality of political information, epistemology and commnication theory. H Index: 5.

Mario Pérez-Montoro Gutiérrez, University of Barcelona

Mario Pérez-Montoro holds a Ph.D in Philosophy and Education Science (Universitat de Barcelona) and is also postgraduated on Documentation Systems Organization (Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya). He is a Professor in the Department of Information Science and Media Studies at the University of Barcelona (Spain). His work (teaching and research) is focused on Interaction Design and Information Visualization. H Index: 13.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Iglesias, L. ., Aguilar Paredes, C., Sánchez Gómez, L., & Pérez-Montoro Gutiérrez, M. (2018). User experience and media. The three click rule in newspapers’ webs for smartphones. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 595–613.




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