From the mass media to social media: reflections on the new media ecology




Communication, media ecology, audience, social media


The media ecosystem is a research methodology proposed by Neil Postman and Marshall McLuhan in 1971, with its consolidation based on solid concepts presented in 1979. However, it presents cross-cutting concepts to other media studies, many of them developed by theorists who will update, or built concepts that sustain a new media ecology. The article presents an update of these views from a research that has as a methodology the depth bibliographic method. We hope to offer, with the results presented here, the possibility of a conceptualization of a new media ecology. As results of the investigation, we present indicatives for the stock of new metaphors of the contemporary media ecology.


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Author Biographies

Andrea Velásquez, Loja Private Technical University

Professor of Corporate Image and Audit on Communication of Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. PhD on Communication and Creative Industries by Universidad de Santiago de Compostela - Spain and Master’s degree on Communication and Creative Industries by the same university. Superior Diploma on Marketing Strategic Management, Superior Diploma in Corporate Communication. She was Marketing Manager of Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja and member of the Quality teams of the Social Communication, Public Relations careers and master’s degree on Communication and Digital Culture.

Her publications include topics related to Consumption and use of media, audiences, reception, mediatic competencies, advertisement and digital brand. 

She is Member of the Alfamed network, of the Medialab UTPL team and currently works in two research projects: Mediatic competencies in teenagers and, consumption and use of media in Ecuadorian youth.

Denis Renó, University of Aveiro

Journalist and photographer, Chair professor in New Ecology of Media and Narrative Imagetics by Universidad Estadual Paulista – Unesp (Brazil), he is PhD in Social Communication by Universidad Metodista de São Paulo (Brazil). He has performed post-doctoral studies about Interactive Interfaces for mobile devices by Universidad de Aveiro (Portugal). He is post-doctoral researcher of the DigiMedia Laboratory – Centre of Research on Digital Media and Interaction, of Universidad de Aveiro (Portugal) in the Integrated Program of IC&DT “CeNTER – Redes e Comunidades para a Inovação Territorial” (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000002). Additionally, he is honorary professor of Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) and visiting professor in Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina) and Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja – UTPL (Ecuador).

In his career, besides acting on Television and Internet, he was producer and director of 11 documentaries, some of them nominated in international festivals. Among his productions, there outstands the documentary Tradições paulistas, cadê? (2003), nominated in the 18th Muestra del Audiovisual Paulista (Brazil), Golosina Visual festival (Mexico) and Viaxes na Lusofonia Festival (Spain). Among experimental productions, there outstands the interactive documentary Bogotá Atómica (2009) and the transmedia documentary Galego-portugués (2013).

As researcher, he is author of four individual books: Cinema documental interativo e linguagens audiovisuais participativas (2011), Documentário em novas telas (2012), Periodismo Transmedia (2012) and Discussões sobre a Nova Ecologia dos Meios (2013), besides being author of 50 book chapters and more than 100 academic papers on indexed journals in Brazil or international indexes.

Currently, he is Academic Director of the Latin American Chair on Transmedia Narrative and member of the Media Ecology Association (USA), besides being coordinator of MOBILAB – Laboratory of Studies about New Narratives and Mobile Devices. The laboratory is funded by development agencies of Brazil.

Ana María Beltrán Flandoli, Loja Private Technical University

Professor of Introduction to Communication and Educommunication in Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. Interuniversity Master’s degree on Communication and Education by Universidad Internacional de Andalucía and la Universidad de Huelva, Spain.

Her publications include topics related to the potential of new narratives and digital storytelling for communication and education, applications of mediatic competencies; among others.

She is Member of the Alfamed network and of the Laboratory of communication, innovation and digital culture of UTPL (MediaLab-UTPL).

Juan Carlos Maldonado Vivanco, Loja Private Technical University

Master’s degree on Communication and Audiovisual Education by Universidad de Huelva and Universidad Internacional de Andalucia, Spain.  Graduated on Social Communication by Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. Audiovisual Producer. Editor of several television programs. Currently works as Professor of Laboratories of Social Communication and MediaLab of UTPL. Co-author of books and articles in scientific and informative journals. My publications are related to the analysis of language and audiovisual narrative and programming of the national television.

Carlos Ortiz León, Loja Private Technical University

Main professor of Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, in Television. Director of MediaLab UTPL. Audiovisual Producer. PhD on Communication and Journalism by Universidad Santiago de Compostela- Spain. Graduate in Social Communication.

I am part of the research groups “Communication and Digital Culture” and  "Person-Computer Interaction”.  Coauthor of international books, papers in scientific and informative journals. His publications include topics related to TV (programming, formats, TDT), analysis of the language and audiovisual narrative, new trends of the audiovisual and journalism.


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How to Cite

Velásquez, A. ., Renó, D. ., Beltrán Flandoli, A. M., Maldonado Vivanco, J. C. ., & Ortiz León, C. (2018). From the mass media to social media: reflections on the new media ecology. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 583–594.




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