The cultural and creative industries in the Spanish regions: The case of Catalonia




Cultural and creative industries, Spanish regions, cultural cartography, economic growth, employment, competitiveness


Cultural and Creative Industries (ICC) form an ecosystem that benefits from both favorable socio-economic environments and the opportunities opened by the technological change. This article establishes the existence of correlations between the indicators that allow contextualizing creative activities in the framework of Spanish regions, in general, and of Catalonia in particular. GDP per capita and education level feedback each other positively; education is associated to lower risks of poverty and high rates of opportunities, infrastructures and digital uses; and the availability and intensive management of information and communication technologies (ICT) is inherent to greater cultural consumption and the enjoyment of favorable economic conditions. The methodology used in the present analysis shows for the first time the disaggregated weight of CCI in Catalonia, and its relationship with the rest of the Spanish regions.


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Author Biographies

Marcial Murciano Martínez, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Graduate in Journalism, by Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB); Diploma in Semiotics by Università di Urbino (Italy); and PhD in Information Sciences, by Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB).

Chair Professor of Communication Policies of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. 

He has worked in different positions of academic management and research, among them, he has been Dean of Faculty, Coordinator of the graduate studies in Journalism, Director of the postgraduate and doctoral programs and Director of the Communication Library.

He is honorary President of the Conference of Deans of Communication Sciences of Spain. Main researcher (R+D+i National Plan) specialized in the Geopolitics of communicative change and in communication policies.

He performed research stay in UNESCO (Paris); CETSAS (Paris); CIESPAL (Quito); CNET (Paris); CSCC (London); European Council (Strasbourg) and in the Headquarters of the European Union (Brussels); and in CiCOM, of Universidad de Puerto Rico.

He teaches in Structure of Mass Communications and in Communication Policies. He has been visiting professor in different Spanish, European and Latin-American universities. He is member of different relevant national and international scientific committees, dedicated to evaluation of research and teaching activities (Spain, Portugal and Puerto Rico). Director of the Journal Conexiones, Director of the collection Bosch Comunicación (Barcelona) and Espacio Iberoamericano (Salamanca).

Carlos González Saavedra, Autonomous University of Barcelona

PhD in Communication Sciences (UAB), Master’s degree in Telecommunications (Universidad Pompeu Fabra) and graduate in Social Communication (Universidad Central de Venezuela). Researcher specialized in information and communication technologies (ICT), public communication policies, indicator systems, local communication, society of knowledge and cooperation for development.

He is research coordinator of the Ibero-American Observatory of Communication and the Research Group Localcom (SGR0407). The conducts the executive management of three projects of the R+D+i National Plan (SEC2003/07024; CSO2008/00587; CSO2013-42822-R), of the international project (CF181137); and the European project Smart Elevator (SME Instrument H2020) of the European Commission.

Coordinator of research projects about telecommunications networks for the Olympic International Committee (Lausana, Suiza) and the Localret Consortium (Barcelona, Spain) and member of the editorial committee of the Organic Law Project for Radio television (Caracas, Venezuela).

He has professional experience as research journalist on printed media and as consultant in projects’ management and public policies of broad band networks deployment.


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How to Cite

Murciano Martínez, Marcial, and Carlos González Saavedra. 2018. “The cultural and creative industries in the Spanish regions: The case of Catalonia”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 73 (January):146-67.


