Analysis of the application of augmented reality technologies in Spanish mass media productive processes




Augmented reality, mass media, journalism, technology, Spain, Information Society


Augmented reality technology is a combination of the real world and the virtual world through a set of processes based on software and multimedia documentation storage possibilities provided by the new information and communication technologies. Methodology: This article focuses on the analysis of the use that Spanish media are making of this innovation. Firstly, we have examined the pioneering experiences of the newspaper El País (through its publication El Viajero) and the magazine Fotogramas, mainly based on the QR technology of two-dimensional codes; next, we have proceeded to study the phenomenon from the development apps on mobile devices such as tablets and / or smartphones (in Apple, Android and Windows environments), highlighting their actual reach to date from today; and, finally, we have analysed the short and medium-term experiments based on this innovation that are being carried out in the main Labs belonging to Spanish journalistic companies. Results and conclusions: The results of the research shows that augmented reality is still taking its first steps in information market, both on an international scale and even more pronounced in Spain. The vast majority of these experiences do not encompass the complex technological infrastructure necessary to launch such projects, so, its real development in information industry will be possible with a new generation of physical devices that, in combination with more powerful hardware platforms and specifically designed software, will achieve the integration of real and virtual elements. However, in the medium and a long term it is outlining a scenario in which it is necessary to quantify what is the true deontological impact that the implementation of the augmented reality has in the flow of informative contents generated by information companies, as well as which will have the levels of
protection of the data supplied by users of this technology to companies that provide content and services.


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Author Biographies

David Parra Valcarce, Complutense University of Madrid

David Parra Valcarce is full professor of Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He is PhD in Information Sciences, with a Laws Diploma and a Master’s degree in Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.

He has published more than thirty papers in scientific journals and ten books as author or co-author in the field of new information and communication technologies applied to journalism and communication.

He participated, since 1986, in different research projects of competitive nature, as well as in different international and national congresses. He is a member of the Group for Research and Analysis of Internet in Journalism of Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

He has collaborated, among others, in the following media: El Nuevo Lunes de la Economía, Educación y Biblioteca, OTR Press, Computerworld, Revista BASE Informática, Iniciativas and Super PC. Likewise, he was founder of the communication consultancy agency influence and profit and the contents website

Concepción Edo Bolós, Complutense University of Madrid

Concha Edo is full professor of Universidad Complutense, through the national grant process, and she is certified by ANECA for the access to the team of University Chair Professors. She was also professor in Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. She had performed research stays as visiting scholar in different British and United States’ Universities.

She has published forty papers on scientific journals, three individual books, one of them with four editions, and more than twenty chapters as author in collective publications. She has participated in more than fifty national and international congresses (USA, United Kingdom, Turkey, South Africa, Portugal, Mexico, Ireland, India, Netherlands, Greece, France, Chile, Canada).

She has three six-year periods of research and conducts the Group of Research and Analysis of Internet in Journalism of Universidad Complutense de Madrid, being valued positively in all its convocations since its foundation. She managed in the past and currently manages competitive R+D+i projects funded by the Ministry of Economy as Main Researcher, and has participated as researcher in other projects of the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Ministry of Education, and Teacher Innovation. 

She is director of the academic journal Textual&Visual Media and evaluator in different journals with peer review. She has been president of the Spanish Journalistic Society in the period ranged from 2010 to 2014 and now she presides the European and American Journalistic Society.

Juan Carlos Marcos Recio, Complutense University of Madrid

Juan Carlos Marcos Recio is full professor of Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He is PhD on Information Sciences and with a Master’s degree in Information and Documentation; Master’s degree in Library & Information Studies and Master’s degree in Management of e-Learning projects.

He has published more than forty papers in scientific journals and eight books as author or co-author in the field of information and documentation, as well as the management of information and the patrimony on media.

Since 1990 he has participated in different research projects of competitive nature, as well as in different international and national congresses. He is member of the Group of Research and Analysis of Internet in Journalism of Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

For two decades, he has been working as journalist in different media, essentially in written media.

Creator and director of the Website Publidocnet: (Documentary Centre for the Conservation of Spanish Advertisement Heritage) and Codirector of the Blog in Madri+D Documentació

The two most recent books he authored:
“Publidocnet. Recursos para la formación virtual a través de los medios de comunicación”. Madrid: Fragua, Fragua Comunicación, No 130, 2013, pp. 234. ISBN: 978-84-7074-563-8. En coautoría con Julio Santos Alcolado.

“Gestión del Patrimonio audiovisual en medios de comunicación”. Madrid: Síntesis, 2013, pp. 221. ISBN: 978-84-995897-9-4. Coordinador y autor.


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How to Cite

Parra Valcarce, D. ., Edo Bolós, C., & Marcos Recio, J. C. . (2017). Analysis of the application of augmented reality technologies in Spanish mass media productive processes. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 1670–1688.




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