Contrast of the journalistic coverage of climate change and global warming in Spain and in the international sphere: IV-V IPCC Reports and Bali-Copenhage-Paris




climate change, global warming, communication, media coverage


This article addresses the contrast between media coverage of climate change and global warming in Spain and internationally, focusing on the contrast in the months that the IV and the V IPCC Report were published, and in the months that the Bali, Copenhagen and Paris Summits were celebrated. Methodology The presence of the terms "climate change" and "global warming" from January 2000 to April 2017 is studied, through data collected at CIRES, University of Colorado. Results Coverage in Spain is similar to the international press. It is possible to differentiate five stages, present in both areas. Discussion and Conclusions The international agenda, mainly political, conditions the national agenda, although both maintain singularities. The general context evidences an insufficient presence of climate change in printed media, which is not proportional to the growing empirical evidence manifested by the scientists about the risk involved.


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Author Biographies

Rogelio Fernández-Reyes, University of Sevilla

Doctor in Journalism by the University of Sevilla and Doctor by the University Pablo de Olavide. Diploma of Advanced Studies by the International University of Andalucia. He is a member of the MDCS Research Group at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the GREHCCO / LADECOM group at the University of Seville.
His lines of research are environmental journalism, communication of climate change and communication of socio-environmental alternatives. His doctoral theses have analyzed the journalistic treatment of the Aznalcóllar spill and climate change in press editorials. He has been an Extraordinary Doctorate Award by Pablo de Olavide University, course 2009/2010

He has participated in the R & D Project: The hegemonic discourse of the media on Climate Change (Risk, Uncertainty and Conflict) and experimental test with alternative discourses among young people with the MDCS research group

José Luis Piñuel-Raigada, Complutense University of Madrid

Doctor in Psychology by the Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg and Doctor in Philosophy by the University of Salamanca, is Professor in the Faculty of CC. of the Information of the Complutense University where he is the head of the MDCS Research Group (Dialectic Mediation of Social Communication), whose most recent projects include "Youth against Climate Change" (MECD, PR41 / 11-18352) and the R + D entitled "The hegemonic discourse of the Media on" Climate Change "(Risk, Uncertainty and Conflict) and experimental test with alternative discourses among young people". (MICINN, ref. CSO2010-16936 COMU).

Since 1980 he teaches Theory of Communication and Methods and Techniques of Research in Social Communication, in the Faculty of CC. of the Information of the Complutense University. He has also been a guest lecturer at various foreign, European and American universities. He has participated as an international expert in several working groups of the Council of Europe from 1987 to 1991.

Among his scientific publications include Production, Advertising and Consumption (2 vols several editions, Edit, Fundamentos, Madrid, 1983 and ss); The Cultural Consumption (Edit. Fundamentos, Madrid, 1986) Terrorism in the Spanish Transition (Edit Fundamentals, Madrid, 1987). An introduction to the philosophy of communication. (Edit Visor, Madrid, 1989); Political culture and TV in transition in Chile (Edit Center for Latin American Studies -C.E.D.E.A.L- Madrid, 1991); The Communication Directorate. Professional Practice and Technical Dictionary. (in col with M.H. Westphalen, Edit El Prado, Madrid, 1993); General Methodology. Scientific knowledge and research in Social Communication (Edit Síntesis, Madrid, 1995), Theory of Communication and Management of Organizations (Edit Síntesis, Madrid, 1997), Research Techniques in Social Communication. Processing and data logging. (In col, with J.A. Gaitán, Edit Síntesis, Madrid, 1998) and General essay on communication. (In col. With Carlos Lozano, Ed. Paidos, Barcelona 2006) and Trust in the Press or not. A method for the study of the mediatic construction of reality (In col. With Juan Antonio Gaitán Moya and Carlos Lozano Ascencio.

Juan Carlos Águila Coghlan , Complutense University of Madrid

Agricultural Engineer and Economist, is Doctor in Communication, Social Change and Development by the Complutense University o Madrid. He has been a business manager and university professor in Chile and Spain. He has been an adviser to large companies in Chile, Mexico and Venezuela. His line of research in Chile has been business communication and in Spain, communication of climate change, with emphasis in television news and social representations of climate change, on which he has made scientific publications in Norway, Sweden, Chile, Venezuela, France, Portugal, Morocco, South Africa, Cuba and Spain, in English, French and Spanish.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Reyes, R., Piñuel-Raigada, J. L. ., & Águila Coghlan , J. C. . (2017). Contrast of the journalistic coverage of climate change and global warming in Spain and in the international sphere: IV-V IPCC Reports and Bali-Copenhage-Paris. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 1165–1185.




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