The CSR management process. Case study




communication, CSR, stakeholders, management, case, Unilever


We are living a moment of change in business context, which directly affects organizations’ behaviour with society, through which a proper management of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) satisfies its starkeholders' interests. Methodology: The aim of this research is to analyze, focuzed on the Unilever Spain case study, how the different phases of the CSR management process are articulated. Results and conclusions: The results show that the development of the different phases has consequences in the own nature of the CSR management, being the main ones: transversality, transparency and dynamism. This research also provides an interesting contribution to the management of consumer values (linked to a product brand) and its relation to the company's intangibles.


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Author Biographies

Estrella Barrio Fraile, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Ordinary Researcher and professor of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Universidad Oberta de Catalunya ( ) where she is tutor of Master’s Final Projects in the University Master on Corporate Social Responsibility.

She is co-author of chapters of books and articles related with Corporate Social Responsibility. She has also participated as lecturer in different national and international congresses and has performed a research stay in UCM (Madrid).

She is member of the research group in Business and Institutional Communication (, and research member of the group Publiradio, both groups belonging to the Department of Advertisement, PPRR and Audiovisual Communication (UAB).

She has participated as research member in a R+D+i research project called “Protocol for the measurement and evaluation of values in audiovisual contents”. Lastly, her position as staff coordinator of the presence-based Master’s Degree in Business and Institutional Communication (2010-currently).

Ana María Enrique Jiménez, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Ordinary researcher and professor of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and of Universidad Abat Oliba ( where she teaches the subjects on theories of communication and business and institutional communication.

She is co-coordinator and co-author of the book “Somos estrategas” (We are strategists) edited by Gedisa (2015).

She has been author of different book chapters and articles related with communication of crisis and the Corporate Social Responsibility. She has also participated as lecturer in about twenty national and international congresses and did research stays in UCM (Madrid), UMA (Málaga) and Uniacc (Santiago-Chile).

She is coordinator of the research group in Business and Institutional Communication (, and research member of the group Publiradio (, both groups belonging to the department of Advertisement, PPRR and Audiovisual Communication (UAB).

She has about a six-year term of acknowledged research (period 2007-2013). She has participated as research member in seven research R+D+i projects and teacher innovation, six of them funded in national and regional convocations. Lastly, her position as academic coordinator of the online-based Master’s Degree in Business and Institutional Communication is worth to be mentioned (1999-currently).

Quotes: 262 (since 2012, 237); h index: 6 (since 2012, 6); Index i10: 4 (since 2012, 3).

Juan Benavides Delgado, Complutense University of Madrid

Doctor in Philosophy and Literature. Chair Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertisement in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Faculty of Information Sciences).

Since 1984 he specializes in the study of language and analysis of media and advertisement, conducting numerous researches, many of them published in the form of books and articles in scientific national and international journals.

From the year 1998 he has broadened his area of interest to the research of value, brand management and ethics and intangible contents present in institutional and corporate communication of organizations and companies, applying many of his results to the study of institutional, political and business communication.

He has published numerous articles and books about this subject and has participated in collective editions about these issues, specializing in the field of audiovisual communication, analysis of advertisement, brand management and the new fields of action of advertisers and companies in the management of intangibles and social responsibility.

Collaborator member, since its origins, in the Chair of Economic and Business Ethics, subscribed to the Universidad Pontificia Comillas and, since 2012, Advisor of Corporate Excellence in themes such as communication, analysis of intangibles and values in business communication. Currently, he is President of the Association for Knowledge and Research on Communication. Likewise, he participates in multiple Scientific Committees in communication journals.

He has received diverse awards and honours for his professional activity in the field of scientific research on communication and university teaching.


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How to Cite

Barrio Fraile, E., Enrique Jiménez, A. M., & Benavides Delgado, J. . (2017). The CSR management process. Case study. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 1063–1084.




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