On-line Сommunication and Social Reality in the Content of Users of Russian-Speaking Social Networks: Representation of the Historical Context





social networking, contemporary content, the history of Russia, the October revolution of 1917


This paper analyzes the content of social networks, devoted to historical events, in particular the October revolution of 1917. Objectives. The aim of this project is analysis of content devoted to historical events, to determine how the assessment of significant historical events affect the social reality, as reflected in virtual communication. Methodology. The main techniques that were used to obtain empirical data were used interdisciplinary approach, mass surveys, focus group interviews, analysis of content dedicated to the October revolution, harvested from social networks (Facebook, Vkontakte, Livejournal); analysis of essays. Data processing was carried out using Tableau software and Automap. Results. The content devoted to historical content in the Russian-speaking social networks, social tensions repeats of the events of 100 years ago. Discussion and Conclusion. The conflict that has split Russian society into hostile irreconcilable camps in 1917, continues to divide people today. The battlefield has shifted to virtual space, where the evaluation of historical events becomes another way of marking "friend or foe", leads to conflict communication and increase social tensions.


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Author Biographies

María Pilgun, University Higher School of Economics

Dr. in  Philology, promoted 30 May 2000 at the subfaculty of Russian language, faculty of philology of the Kazan' State University/Russia.

Dissertation title: "The history of gender of the substantives in Russian language PhD in Philology, promoted 13 February 1992 at the subfaculty of Russian language, faculty of philology of the Kazan' State University/Russia.  Dissertation title: "From the history of the substantives of neutrum gender in Russian language".  1987-1991 postgraduate courses, subfaculty of Russian language, faculty of philology of the Udmurt State University/Russia. 1981-1986 graduate study, faculty of philology, Kazan' State University/Russia.

POSITIONS: 2009 - professor of the Department of Integrating Communications, National ResearchUniversity Higher School of Economics. 2007 – 2009 - professor, head of the Subfaculty of Russian language of the Russian State Agrarian University – MTAA named after K.A.Timiryazev. 2001   -   2007  - professor, head of the Subfaculty of Russian language of the Moscow State Forestry University. December 1997   - head of the Subfaculty of Russian language of the Moscow State Forestry University. 1993  - 1997 -  Assistant professor, subfaculty of Russian language, faculty of philology, Moscow State Forestry (Wood-working Industry) University. 1992 - 1993 Senior Lecturer, subfaculty of Russian language, faculty of philology,  Moscow State Forestry (Wood-working Industry) University.

PUBLICATIONS:  210 scientific and methodical works published in Russia, Poland, Taiwan, Slovakia, Czech Republic,  Spain, China and Bulgaria.

OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Elaboration of  tests in Russian language (in the laboratory of attestation technologies at the department of education  of  Moscow government).

Iosif M Dzyaloshinsky, University Higher School of Economics

Doctor of Linguistics, professor, Department of Media,  National Research University Higher School of Economics. Chair of Committee of Directors,  Independent Institute for Communicology, President, Human Rights Foundation “Commission on Free Access to Information”, General Director,  Institute for Humanitarian Communications. Authored more than 300 research papers. 


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How to Cite

Pilgun, M. ., & Dzyaloshinsky, I. M. (2017). On-line Сommunication and Social Reality in the Content of Users of Russian-Speaking Social Networks: Representation of the Historical Context. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 1010–1026. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2017-1205


