Museums’ corporate websites as tools for transparency




Transparency, museums, corporate communication, new complexity, trust


The environment in which organisations operate has changed dramatically in recent years. Cases of corruption, unethical practices and the economic crisis have led to a new complex landscape in which institutions must rebuild the lost trust. The objective of this work is to demonstrate how museums are committed to transparency to showcase themselves as reliable organisations that fulfil their social purpose. Methods. This study is based on the content analysis of the websites of a sample of museums in order to determine whether these channels meet the transparency requirements proposed by the report of the Commitment and Transparency Foundation. Results and conclusions. Like other types of organisations, museums use their corporate websites as transparent platforms, where they meet a series of criteria that increase the public’s trust and provide information of interest to society.


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Author Biographies

David Cordón Benito, International University of La Rioja

David Cordón Benito holds a BA degree in Journalism, an International PhD degree in Journalism from the University of Navarra, and a MA in Museum Studies from the University of Leicester (United Kingdom).

Academic director of the BA degree programme in Communication of the International University of La Rioja (UNIR).

He has worked as Professor of institutional communication, relations with the media and theory and technique of public relations.

Working experience in various media organisations such as Diario La Rioja and Onda Cero.

Moreover, he has developed much of his professional work in the communication departments of various institutions, such as the Victoria and Albert Museum of London (V&A)

Lidia Maestro Espínola, International University of La Rioja

Lidia Maestro Espínola holds a BA degree in Advertising and Public Relations, a PhD degree in Communication Sciences from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, a MA degree in Film, Television and Interactive Media, and a MBA degree.

Professor of communication, in the BA degree in Marketing and various MA degree programmes. Current director of the BA degree in Marketing and International Commerce and the MA degree in Integrated Advertising: Strategy and Creativity of the International University of La Rioja (UNIR).

Her scientific career and production are linked to the study of the media economy and, specifically, their strategies as advertising platforms.

Author of several publications, including research papers in national and international journals, book chapters and communications delivered in international conferences.


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How to Cite

Cordón Benito, David, and Lidia Maestro Espínola. 2017. “Museums’ corporate websites as tools for transparency”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 72 (August):941-56.




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