Accountability in social networks. Ever-evolving stylebooks and feedback through Twitter




Journalism, accountability, stylebooks, social media, Twitter


This article analyses the Twitter accounts created by four international news media organisations to adapt their stylebooks to this social network. Methods. The analysis is based on the comparison of the volume and frequency of tweets, user interactions, use of hashtags and links, engagement and types of content published in Twitter over a two-year period by the selected media organisations. Results. These accountability instruments are continuously updated on Twitter. Two models have been identified: a participatory, multimedia model and an insular, one-way model. Discussion. The article examines the value of new accountability instruments promoted by news organisations on digital platforms. Conclusions. Stylebooks on Twitter are more focused on addressing stylistic rather than ethical issues. This fact limits the possibilities of these accounts for accountability purposes.


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Author Biographies

José Luis Rojas Torrijos, University of Sevilla

José Luis Rojas Torrijos holds a PhD degree in Journalism from the University of Seville (2010). He is a member of the Media Studies for Quality Journalism (SEJ001) research group.

Researcher in the areas of sports journalism and stylebooks, which are explored in his doctoral thesis and five monographs, as well as scientific articles and book chapters. Participant in national and international conferences and guest researcher in the universities of Urbino (Italy), Nancy (France), Oxford (United Kingdom) and IBERO (Mexico City)

Professor of journalism at the EUSA University Centre. Faculty member of the MA programmes in Innovation in journalism of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, in Sports communication of the Pontifical University of Salamanca, in Communication and sports journalism of the European University of Madrid (EMU), and in Sports journalism of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) in Barcelona

Currently combines his teaching and research work with the exercise of journalism and his work as innovation and quality advisor at Marca newspaper.

Xavier Ramón Vegas, Pompeu Fabra University

Xavier Ramon Vegas holds a PhD degree in Communication (2016), a Master’s degree in Social Communication (2012) and BA degrees in Journalism (2011) and Audiovisual Communication (2009), from the Pompeu Fabra University. Member of the Journalism Research Group (GRP) of the Pompeu Fabra University, where he participates as researcher in the competitive project “Accountability and journalistic cultures in Spain. Impact and proposal of best practices in the Spanish media” (MINECO/ERDF, UE, Ref: CSO2015-66404-P).

Researcher and teacher in the areas of journalistic ethics and media accountability, sports communication, Olympic studies and communication research techniques.

Guest researcher at the University of Stirling and the University of Glasgow (United Kingdom), the University of Alabama (United States) and the Olympic Studies Centre of the International Olympic Committee (Switzerland). Affiliated to the Olympic Studies Centre of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (CEO-UAB).


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How to Cite

Rojas Torrijos, J. L. ., & Ramón Vegas, X. (2017). Accountability in social networks. Ever-evolving stylebooks and feedback through Twitter. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 915–941.


