Mexico, in the Chilean press: analysis based on mining of textual dates in Twitter
Informative treatment, news, mining of dates, Mexico, ChileAbstract
The present article researches 3.842 mentions about Mexico and the Mexican people in the Chilean press (290 medias), based on their headlines on the period comprised from 15th March to 15th June of 2016. Methodology: The collection of dates had extracted from the accounts of the medias in the network Twitter. Objectives: The general purpose of this investigation is describing how much the Chilean press speaks about Mexico and which are the most recurring issues, thus the impact that can generated in the construction of the intercultural image. For this work was used a methodology based on mining of dates, starting of a crawler (automatic software that collects in a systematic way textual dates), that follows of Chilean medias and accumulates its headlines in a server. Later, with the support of tools such as Elasticsearch and Kibana, it could explore the textual dates contents in the base of dates. Subsequently to the mining it classifies the headlines in 10 informative fronts. Conclusions: Among the conclusions it can note that exists a strong association of Mexico with the sports events, problem of drug trafficking, violence and events starring by artist.
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