Comparative analysis of Spanish universities presence in national and local digital press




Universities, cyber-journalism, science journalism, science communication, content analysis


Dissemination is a cross-cutting activity within universities so the analysis of how media cover university news becomes a relevant issue in order to understand how public image of higher education institutions is being configured. Method. This work applies a mixed methodology, quantitative –content analysis– and qualitative –ethnographic study–, on a sample of 3137 news published between January and September 2016 in two digital newspapers of national scope and 13 regional / local scope newspapers, regarding 23 Spanish universities. Results and conclusions. The results suggest that media scope strongly influence the coverage. While national media carry out deeper analysis of news items, giving more visibility to university experts and including cyber-journalism resources; Regional and local newspapers are more dependent on calls and press releases from university press offices, they mainly report on university events and barely use cyber-journalism resources


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Author Biographies

Cristina González-Pedraz, University of Valladolid

Cristina González-Pedraz has a Masters Research (MRes) in Communication. She is researcher at 3CIN (Foundation for the study of Science, Science Culture and Innovation) and PhD student at the University of Valladolid (Spain), where she has also been an associate professor.

She has participated in several competitive research projects on science communication and digital communication, which have resulted in communications conferences, articles and book chapters.

She also has 10 years of professional experience as a science journalist.

Ana Victoria Pérez-Rodríguez, University of Salamanca

Ana Victoria Pérez-Rodríguez received her PhD in Social Studies of Science and Technology at Salamanca University, Spain, where she teaches Science Communication at Masters degree.

She is the current manager of 3CIN (Foundation for the study of Science, Science Culture and Innovation) and the director of DiCYT, a digital science news agency. Her research areas include science communication, public engagement, science policy, bibliometry and open science from the Responsible, Research and Innovation perspective.

With 15 years of experience in science journalism, she has also taken part in FECYT's expert panel for the evaluation of science culture activities.

Eva ECampos-Domínguez, University of Valladolid

Eva Campos-Domínguez PhD at Complutense University of Madrid (receiver of the Extraordinary PhD student Award) and Professor of Journalism at University of Valladolid (Spain).

Received of two doctoral thesis scholarships awarded by the Cortes Generales (2007 and 2008). Winner of the 2007 Young Communication Award of the Complutense Foundation of Madrid.

She has participated in various publicly-funded research projects on Internet policy and is the author of several publications on cyber-democracy, including: La ciberdemocracia en el Congreso de los Diputados (“Cyberdemocracy in the Congress of Deputies”) (2011) and Digital democracy deliberative (2012).

Her research interests focus on political communication on the Internet, particularly on the open government and parliamentary communication.

Miguel Ángel Quintanilla Fisac, University of Salamanca

Miguel Ángel Quintanilla is professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Salamanca (Spain), former Secretary of State for Universities and Research and current director of the 3CIN Foundation.

He has published numerous books and articles on issues of logic, philosophy of science, epistemology, history of philosophy, moral philosophy and politics and philosophy of technology as well as scientific, technological and university policy.

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How to Cite

González-Pedraz, C., Pérez-Rodríguez, A. V., ECampos-Domínguez, E., & Quintanilla Fisac, M. Ángel. (2017). Comparative analysis of Spanish universities presence in national and local digital press. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 861–882.


