Methodology for transparency evaluation: procedures and problems




transparency, webs, public communication, methodologies, accountability


The approval of the Transparency Law in Spain in 2013, along with concern about corruption, good governance and accountability has led to a significant increase in studies on transparency of administrations in recent years. Methods: The objective of this article is to expose the different methodological complexities in order to analyse the transparency of the contents published by the public administrations in aspects such as the definition of transparency itself, the object of study, the users or the recipients. Results: A model of analysis of the transparency of the webs of the municipalities is presented: the Infoparticipa project. The methodology we present is based on innovative tools that have established a map of local transparency in Spain. Discussion and conclusions: The Infoparticipa Map has transcended the academic field showing its social utility by allowing the improvement of the information published in the webs.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Molina Rodríguez-Navas, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Pedro Molina Rodríguez-Navas, Doctor of Communication Sciences and Graduate in Contemporary History. He is Researcher of the Laboratory of Journalism and Communication for Plural Citizenship, professor of the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences of Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and, currently, secretary of the same Department.  

He is director in the journal RUTA Comunicación and the project TransparEnt (see platform in, which has received funding from the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Local Government of Barcelona.

He has worked as researcher in European projects and has participated in R+D+i researches nationwide, especially regarding public communication, democracy and transparency and history of communication. Regarding these issues, he has published articles in journals and books, as well as about communication of non-profit entities, educommunication in the field of adult education or communication and social participation.

Núria Simelio Solà, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Aggregate Interim Professor of the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences of UAB. Doctor in Journalism and Communication Sciences (UAB- Extraordinary Doctorate Award-2006).

She is member of the Laboratory of Journalism and Communication for Plural Citizenship where she co-manages with the Dr. Amparo Moreno Sardà, the R+D+i project: methodologies and models of information for the monitoring of actions of responsibles in local governments and accountability. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, 2016-2018. She has participated in several funded researches in competitive public convocations (coordinator in Spain of the European research: Study on area J of the Beijing platform for action: women and the media in the European Union), related to the analysis of diversity and plural citizenship in media, public communication and new forms of democratic participation from Internet and social web.

Results of these researches have been published in different scientific journals such as: “Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power”, “Communication & Society”, “Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico”, “Historia y Comunicación Social”, and “Palabra Clave”, among some of them. Between 2008 and 2012 she was president of the Women’s Network of ECREA and has been coordinator in Spain of the international project “Global MediaMonitoring 2015” of WACC. In the year 2012, she was visitor researcher in the City University of London.

Marta Corcoy Rius, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Marta Corcoy Rius, doctor of Journalism by Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) and journalist. She is currently researcher of the Laboratory of Journalism and Communication for plural citizenship of UAB and she works as journalist and consultant in gender issues.

For more than 15 years she has been responsible of press and communication in two Local Governments in the Metropolitan area of Barcelona. From the research group of the UAB she carries out studies and personalized consultancies for local corporations about public information.

She has published different texts and performs researches about representation of women and men in public institutions as well as about information of Catalan local corporations


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How to Cite

Molina Rodríguez-Navas, P., Simelio Solà, N., & Corcoy Rius, M. (2017). Methodology for transparency evaluation: procedures and problems. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 818–831.




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