The Political Awareness in the candidates using Twitter. A clusterization exercise for the municipal elections in Chile (2016)




Twitter, Political awareness, Clusterization, Candidate, Municipal elections, Chile


In this paper, we study the relationship between the use of Twitter and political awareness of the candidates to mayor in municipal elections on October 2016. Methodology. Through a clustering method, we group candidates according to the individual characteristics (age, gender and study grade) and political characteristics (incumbency, political sponsorship and orientation) and their use of twitter by municipalities (tweets, retweets and favorites). Results. We put in evidence that our way to agglutinate the data is given by their political awareness / Twitter use. In this sense, we see that the political profile is what allows us to group the uses of Twitter of the candidates in a more enlightening way. Conclusions. At a local territorial level, where the spectrum of candidates is broader, the use of Twitter reinforces the difference between the candidates with less political awareness. This contradicts the idea that Twitter could be an alternative for those candidates with less political awareness.


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Author Biographies

René Jara, University of Santiago de Chile

Journalist, Graduate in Communication, University of Chile. Doctor in Political Science by Universidad de Grenoble-Alpes.

Director of the Magister in Communication Sciences, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. He has worked as professor in Chilean and French universities, in the fields of communication and political science.

His research lines are in the crossroads of the fields of communication, socio-history and political science.

He currently conducts a research team, funded by a baseline project (MECESUP USA1555), which purpose is to apply computerized tools, data analysis and graphos theory for the understanding of social and political problems. H-index: 2.

Antoine Faure, Finis Terrae University

Doctor in Political Science of Sciences Po Grenoble (France, 2014) and Assistant Professor of Universidad Finis Terrae (Santiago de Chile) since August 2016.

He performs research in the field of political communication, from different objects of research: journalistic practices, television series and cinema, as well as e-democracy; and from different historical problems: neoliberalism, memory and social temporalities. He is author of 7 scientific articles (6 in indexed journals), 6 books chapters and besides he co-edited 3 books. He develops a maintained activity linked to the area (organization of monthly seminars, colloquiums, research trips and assessment tasks)

As professor, he teaches in graduate and postgraduate courses, both of theoretical nature as well as methodological, practical or research seminars. For 6 years he taught a postgraduate course about his specialty, in the “Latin America” Master of Sciences Po Grenoble- Finally, he participated in the postgraduate course “Compared Government Sciences” (Sciences Po Grenoble, 2015). H-Index: 2.

Jarnishs Beltrán, Development University

He is Doctor in Science with Mention in Mathematics of Universidad de Santiago de Chile and currently doctorate student in Sciences of Social Complexity of Universidad del Desarrollo.

He is professor in the graduate programs of different universities.

He performs research in mathematics in areas related to noncommutative algebra, specially, algebra of formal pseudo-differential operators. Besides, he does research in problems related to the complexity of social systems, focusing his studies in the social dynamics, using data mining tools. H-index: 1.

Gonzalo Castro, Universidad of Santiago de Chile

He is Doctor in Sciences with Mention in Mathematics of Universidad Santiago de Chile.

He teaches in pre- and postgraduate courses in the careers of Engineering and Magister in Mathematics Education.

He performs research in the areas of data mining, social networks, graphos theory, diffeomorphism group of the circle.

Currently he works in the research group (MECESUP USA1555) which purpose is to apply computerized tools and graphos theory for the understanding of social and political problems. H-index: 1.


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How to Cite

Jara, R., Faure, A., Beltrán, J., & Castro, G. . (2017). The Political Awareness in the candidates using Twitter. A clusterization exercise for the municipal elections in Chile (2016). Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (72), 803–817.




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