Portrayal of women and men in the Spanish press





gender representation, newspaper, content analysis, women, men, stereotypes


This article examines the portrayal of women and men in Spain’s most-read national general-information daily press. Methods: The study is based on the quantitative content analysis of the non-advertising content of 28 issues of two of the most-read national newspapers in Spain, El País and El Mundo, selected through the constructed week sampling method. Results and conclusions: The results show great inequality in the representation of women and men in both newspapers. Women are under-represented, both as participants and as protagonists of the published texts and images, while the depiction of women and men is informed by gender stereotypes that attribute power and authority to men. Women are rarely represented as athletes, and are represented as victims more frequently than men. In addition, women appear less frequently than men in the press as information sources or authors of texts and photographs.


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Author Biographies

María Pilar Matud Aznar, University of La Laguna

Professor in the area of Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatment of the University of La Laguna. PhD degree in Philosophy and Literature (Psychology section). BA and PhD degrees in Information Sciences. Coordinator of the Gender and Health Research Group of the University of La Laguna. Member of the Calima Network of Communication and Culture Researchers, Canary Islands-Africa, and the Communication, Development and Culture Research Group.

Participant in 20 publicly funded research projects, and leader in 11 of them. Participant in 15 agreements or contracts financed by public entities. Author and co-author of 113 scientific works: 7 books, 31 book chapters, 1 encyclopedia article and 74 journal articles, including:

Matud, M. P. (2004). Gender differences in perceived stress and coping styles. Personality and Individual Differences, 37, 1401-1415.

Matud, M. P. (2005). The psychological impact of Domestic Violence on Spanish Women. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35, 2310-2322.

Matud, M. P. (2007). Domestic Abuse and Children’s Health in The Canary Islands, Spain. European Psychologist, 12, 45-53.

Matud, M. P. (2007). Dating Violence and Domestic Violence. Editorial. Journal of Adolescent Health, 40, 295-297.

Rodríguez, C., Matud, M. P. & Espinosa, I. (2008). Roles de género en la prensa diaria nacional. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 14, 575- 580.

Rodríguez, C., Matud, M. P. & Espinosa, C. (2008). Género y publicidad en la prensa diaria. Questiones Publicitarias13, 1-9.

Matud, M. P., Rodríguez, C. & Espinosa, I. (2011). Gender in Spanish Daily Newspapers. Sex Roles, 64, 253-264.

Matud, M. P., Bethencourt, J. M. & Ibáñez, I. (2014). Relevance of gender roles in life satisfaction in adult people. Personality and Individual Differences, 70, 206-2011.

Matud, M. P., Fortes, D. & Medina, L. (2014). Eficacia de un programa de tratamiento psicológico individual para mujeres maltratadas por su pareja. Psychosocial Intervention23, 199-207.

Matud, M. P., Bethencourt, J. M. & Ibáñez, I. (2015). Gender differences in psychological distress in Spain. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 61, 560-568.

Matud, M. P., Padilla, V., Medina, L. & Fortes, D. (2016). Eficacia de un programa de intervención para mujeres maltratadas por su pareja.Terapia Psicológica, 34, 199-208.

Matud, M. P. (2016). Stress and gender. In H. L. Miller (Ed.). The Sage Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology (vol. 2, pp. 910-913). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
ISBN: 978145226719.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781483346274.n311

Matud, M. P. (2017). Gender and Health. In A. Alvinius (Ed.), Gender Differences in Different Contexts (pp. 57-76). Rijeka: INTECH. ISBN: 978-953-514988-0. Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/65410

Rodríguez, C. & Matud, M. P. (2017). Da investigação á inovação educativa: Género e comunicação. En G. Padilla (Coord.) Conteúdos Especializados no Ensino Superior (pp. 291-299). Porto: Media XXI. ISBN: 978-989-729-101-2

Carmen Rodríguez-Wangüemert, University of La Laguna

Professor of Journalism at the University of La Laguna (August 1997). BA degree in Information Sciences and Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid (June 1986). PhD degree in Information Sciences from the University of La Laguna (December 1991). Former editor of Jornada and El Día newspapers between May 1993 and November 1987. Contributor of El Día newspaper from 2005 to 2011.

Director of the “Calima Network of Communication and Culture Researchers”, Canary Islands-Africa. Coordinator of the Communication, Development and Culture Research Group and member of the Gender and Health Research Group of the University of La Laguna.  Member of the research team “City, Communication and Culture (CCC XXI) of the University of the Basque Country. Constituent Member of the UNESCO Chair “Pratiques emergentes des technologies et communication pour le développement”.

Participant in 12 publicly funded research projects and leader of 4 of them. Coordinator of more than five contracts with public institutions.

Author of numerous scientific texts, journals and book chapters including the following:

Rodríguez, C. & Matud, M. P. (2017). Da investigação á inovação educativa: Género e comunicação. In G. Padilla (Coord.) Conteúdos Especializados no Ensino Superior (pp. 291-299). Porto: Media XXI. ISBN: 978-989-729-101-2
Rodríguez-Wangüemert, C., Pestano Rodríguez, J. & Rodríguez Breijo, V. (2017). China tras la mirada de la televisión española. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 32 vol, 23 nº 2. ISNN: 1134-1629

Rodríguez Wangüemert, C., Matud Aznar, M. P. & Pestano Rodríguez, J. M. (2013). Hacia la Educación en Género: Comunicación e Igualdad. Historia y Comunicación Social, 18, 743-755.

Matud Aznar, M. P., Rodríguez Wangüemert, C. & Espinosa Morales, I. (2012). Representación de mujeres y hombres en las noticias de la prensa nacional española. Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, 7, 9-24.

Rodríguez Wangüemert, C., Matud Aznar, M. P. & Espinosa Morales, I. (2012). Diferencias de género en el contenido icónico de los periódicos. Questiones Publicitarias, 1, 110-121.

Matud, M. P., Rodríguez, C. & Espinosa, I. (2011). Gender in Spanish Daily Newspapers. Sex Roles, 64, 253-264.

Pestano-Rodríguez, J., González-Antón, J. & Rodríguez-Wangüemert, C. (2011). Presencia de los archivos públicos en la prensa digital. El Profesional de la Información, 20, 143-148.

Rodríguez-Wangüemert, C., Matud, M. P. & Espinosa, C. (2008). Roles de género en la prensa diaria nacional. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 14, 575- 580.

Rodríguez-Wangüemert, C., Matud, M. P. & Espinosa, C. (2008). Género y publicidad en la prensa diaria. Questiones Publicitarias13, 1-9.

Matud, P. & R. Wangüemert, C. (2010). Desigualdad de género y Desarrollo: realidades y posibilidades de los Medios de Comunicación. Contexto. Revista de Comunicación de la Universidad de La Laguna, 2, 117-124.

Rodríguez Wangüemert, C. (2007). Crónicas periodísticas: relatos e inmigración. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 13, 213-226.

Matud, M. P., Rodríguez-Wangüemert, C. & Grande, J. (2007) Gender differences in creative thinking. Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 1137-1147.

Rodríguez-Wangüemert, C. & Matud, M. P. (2007). Estereotipos y género en el discurso publicitario: reflexión sobre las campañas de juguetes en la televisión en España. Bitácora. Revista de la Facultad de Lenguas, 14, 49-62.

Rodríguez Wangüemert, C. (2005). Las crónicas: algunas ideas sobre la credibilidad en el periodismo interpretativo. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 11, 167-180.

Inmaculada Espinosa Morales, La Laguna University

Holds a PhD degree in Information Sciences from the University of La Laguna and an MA degree in Digital Journalism from the University of Alcalá de Henares. First cycle of Philosophy and Literature at the University of La Laguna. Expert in gender and equality policies at the University of La Laguna.


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How to Cite

Matud Aznar, M. P., Rodríguez-Wangüemert, C., & Espinosa Morales, I. (2017). Portrayal of women and men in the Spanish press. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 765–782. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2017-1191


