Decision-making and transparency of information and knowledge. The case study of listed media companies in Spain




Media companies, transparency, decision theory, information management, knowledge management


Strategic management requires making decisions whose implicit risk can be reduced by making information and knowledge accessible. Thus, strategic management contributes to the transparency of companies. Based on this premise, the objective of this work is to analyse the contents aimed at shareholders and investors within the websites of five listed media companies operating in Spain -as an example of external transparency- in order to identify content and knowledge management models, if any, and determine the correlations that exist between transparency, decision-making and strategic management. Methods. The study is based on the examination of case studies through content analysis and non-participant observation. Results and conclusions. The results indicate that the sample of companies under study are transparent towards their external stakeholders, in economic-financial terms, which reflects the existence of a good corporate content management and favourable conditions for strategic or long-term management. In addition, the study has confirmed that, in terms of transparency, the sample of media companies are not different from listed companies operating in other sectors.


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Author Biographies

Miriam Rodríguez Pallares, International University of La Rioja

Miriam Rodríguez Pallares holds a PhD degree in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid (“Analysis of current content and knowledge management models in large Spanish Broadcasting Networks: SER, Onda Cero, COPE and RNE”) and a Master’s degree in Journalism from the same university, as well as a Diploma in Library Science and Documentation from the University of Salamanca.

Professor and researcher at the International University of La Rioja in the area of communications. Member of the MediaCom research group of the Complutense University of Madrid and participant in the Polcampañas R&D project (2014-2016) titled “Online campaign strategies of Spanish political parties. 2015-2016”.

Researcher in the area of intangible assets management (content and knowledge) in the context of the mass media. She is also involved in research projects related to the study of the methodological, didactic and professional contexts in the field of communication sciences and the analysis of campaign strategies of Spanish political parties.

María José Pérez-Serrano, Complutense University of Madrid

María José Pérez Serrano holds a BA degree in Journalism and a PhD degree in Information Sciences (Extraordinary Award 2006-2007) from the Complutense University of Madrid, and an MBA with the specialty in Financial Management.

Recognised as University Professor by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) of Spain. Member of the faculty of the Department of Journalism IV (Media Management) and the MediaCom research group of the Complutense University of Madrid. Guest researcher and professor in national and international universities.

Researcher in the area of media studies, specifically, media concentration and its influence on pluralism. Her publications include the book “Media concentration in Spain. Analysis of relevant cases in radio, press and television”, as well as research articles, book chapters and communications in the abovementioned scientific fields.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Pallares, M., & Pérez-Serrano, M. J. . (2017). Decision-making and transparency of information and knowledge. The case study of listed media companies in Spain. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (72), 719–736.




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