Regional news in Spain‟s national radio and television and their contribution to the image of Spain‟s autonomous communities




Regional news, news services, radio, television, media representations


National radio and television news programmes are daily sources of information for an increasing audience and, thus, are important tools in the shaping of the image of the Spanish autonomous communities that are represented in their news stories. The main objective of this article is to analyse the representations of the different Spanish autonomous communities in the regional news of mainstream national radio and television news programmes. Methods: The study combines quantitative and qualitative content analyses, which facilitate the collection of relevant data about the units of analysis: radio and television channels with the highest ratings in Spain in 2017: Cadena SER, Onda Cero, COPE, RNE, Telecinco, Antena 3 and TVE. The sample is composed of 848 news items selected from news programmes broadcast on weekdays, from 14:00 to 15:00 hours, in January and February 2017. Results and conclusions: The regional news stories offered by national radio and television news programmes are dominated by three autonomous communities -Catalonia, Andalusia and Madrid- and three news categories: politics, society and accidents and crime.


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Author Biography

Nereida López Vidales, University of Valladolid

She confers a doctor’s degree in Political Sciences and Sociology by University of The Basque Country (1997). She graduated in Journalism in 1986, worked several years in varied ways of communication where she performed different responsibility job titles. Since 1997, and after graduating in Political and Administration Sciences and Political Sociology, she combines professional journalism with university teaching. She has published more than seventy scientific articles, book chapters and ten books. Her basic lines of academic investigation are focused in technology of ways of communication, evolution of professional profiles, media consumerism trends and the creation of new entertainment contents for digital leisure. Currently, she combines university teaching in grade and master’s degrees in University of Valladolid, RNE, COPE Foundation and Complutense University of Madrid with the permanent impartation of internal formation lessons as expert in new technologies in RTVE Institute; She is Director and founder of Leisure and Digital entertainment Observatory (OCENDI), Director of Research Group (GIR), `Digital Culture, Innovation, Creativity and Social Participation in Communication (University of Valladolid) and collaborator in several ways of communication.


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How to Cite

López Vidales, N. ., Gómez Rubio, L. ., & Vicente Torrico, D. . (2017). Regional news in Spain‟s national radio and television and their contribution to the image of Spain‟s autonomous communities. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 649–667.




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