Corporate Communication Management: Considerations for the approach to its study and practice


  • Diego Apolo Buenaño San Francisco de Quito University
  • Valerie Gessey Baez Erazo National Court of Justice of Ecuador
  • Lizeth Pauker Teneda Reporter and Community Manager Yasuní Media
  • Gabriela Pasquel Racines Territorial Coordination and Citizen Participation, Municipality of the Quito Metropolitan District



Corporate communication, management of intangibles, corporate identity, corporate image, corporate reputation


This article presents an approach to the identification and definition of categories, components and elements that allow us to approach the study and practice of Corporate Communication Management as a strategic tool for achieving institutional objectives. Method. We conducted a literature review in order to identify the distinct contributions of different authors whose work relates to the study of Corporate Communication. Results.  Contributions from different disciplines have produced varying conceptions of Corporate Communication, making its definition the product of individual interpretation and preventing objective understanding of its theoretical importance and practical application. Conclusion. In this regard, this article’s purpose is to reflect on the analytical foundations and relationships between the contributions considered here, thus providing a proposed definition that enables Corporate Communication’s application by academics, professionals and students interested in the subject.


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Author Biographies

Diego Apolo Buenaño, San Francisco de Quito University

Diego currently belongs to the team for the Coordination of Research at the National University of Education. He has conducted research in several international projects related to communication, education and gender, and served as guest speaker at internationally renowned conferences.
 He is a doctoral candidate at the National University of La Plata - Argentina, and has a Masters in Strategic Communication from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica of Chile. 
He also has 7 years of experience in national and international consultancies on issues of strategic communication.

Diego is a member of the Latin American Research Network ‘Imaginarios y Representaciones’ (RIIR), is supported by the research committee of the Faculty of Sociology at the University of St. Thomas-Colombia, is sponsored by the Iberoamerican University Postgraduate Association (AUIP), and is member of the CLACSO network.

He has worked as a full-time teacher at the Technical University Equinoccial (2012-2013) and the University of the Americas (2014-2016). He has taught part-time at the Iberoamerican University of Ecuador and the University of San Francisco de Quito (2016-2017). 
He is a guest professor in the Masters of Education program, with specialization in Educational Leadership and Innovation, at the Indoamérican University of Technology.

He has more than twenty publications including books, chapters and articles in refereed journals. Among them are "Communication 360: tools for managing internal communication and identity" (UTE-Ecuador), "Conceptual approach to corporate communication: challenges and proposals" (Austral Journal of Communication-Argentina), "Perception, intangible assets and stakeholders: a model for analyzing corporate image "(Mediterranean Journal of Communication-Spain), "Users, customers and digital consumers: considerations for their analysis from marketing and corporate communication" (Redmarka-Spain)..

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Valerie Gessey Baez Erazo, National Court of Justice of Ecuador

Valerie currently works in the Administrative and Human Resource Unit of the National Court of Justice, Ecuador, the institution responsible for managing equity in an impartial, conscious, complete and autonomous manner, based on general rule of law and various regulations of the Ecuadorian legal system, to ensure the practice of justice, legal certainty, and fairness before the law.
She volunteers at the March 8 Women's Center, an organization dedicated to the protection of women 's rights. She also works as Community Manager by managing social networks of small businesses.

Valerie earned a Bachelor of Communications at the University of the Americas, a highly recognized institution both nationally and internationally. She there won the following awards: "Prizewinner in Psychology of Communication," and "Winner of the Academic Games in Corporate Communications, Third Edition," in addition to maintaining the best grade point average for three consecutive years.

Valerie’s professional experience began as an intern in the Department of Human Resources, Nabors Drilling Services (2010), the Ethnohistorical Museum of Handicrafts in Ecuador (2013), and the Communications Department of the Hospital of Oncology, Solón Espinoza Ayala SOLCA, Center of Quito (2013), the and National Court of Justice, Ecuador (2013). She later served as a Direct Collaborator in Customer Service for Laguna Bustos y Asociados (2013-2015), as Assistant of Internal and External Communication for ITELBAS (2012-2015), and as Technician of Openings and Information for the National Court of Justice (2015-2016).

Valerie began writing articles related to communication in order to develop academic research, teaching, and the creation of knowledge. She contributed the article "Perception, intangible assets and stakeholders: model for analysis of corporate image" (ISSN 1989-872X) to the Mediterranean Journal of Communication, Spain. She participated in "Corporate Communication Management: Considerations for Addressing Study and Practice," a conference at the VIII Congreso Internacional Latina de Communicación Social, whose proceedings will be published shortly.

Lizeth Pauker Teneda, Reporter and Community Manager Yasuní Media

Lizeth currently works for Yasuni Media, a public radio and television company in Francisco de Orellana, which provides television and radio content to citizens of Orellana and its surroundings in a local, efficient, and inclusive way. She prioritizes the use of information and entertainment to help create positive social, filial, civic, and cultural values.

Lizeth holds a degree in Corporate Communication from the University of the Americas, an institution distinguished for its practical methodological  innovations and its WASC international accreditation.
Her academic efforts were awarded First Prize in "Psychology of Communication" at the award ceremony for the period September 2012 to February 2013 .

Lizeth’s professional experience began as an intern in the Media Department of the Center for Corporate Communication UDLA, where she developed social networking strategies and general practices for the design, planning and logistics of events (2014-2015).
She served as Administrative Assistant in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of the Americas, where she was in charge of the admissions process and for providing information to the Council of Higher Education CES for external audits (2015 - 2016).

Lizeth entered the world of letters by producing academic research articles that provide novel and broadened understanding of communication, having coauthored the 2016 article "Perception, intangible assets and stakeholders: model for analysis of corporate image" (ISSN 1989-872X), published in the Mediterranean Journal of Communication, supported by the University of Alicante in Spain. She also participated in the VIII Congreso Internacional Latina de Communicación Social, as coauthor of a paper entitled  "Corporate Communication Management: Considerations for Addressing Study and Practice."

Gabriela Pasquel Racines, Territorial Coordination and Citizen Participation, Municipality of the Quito Metropolitan District

Gabriela is currently Technical and Organizational Partner and Community Manager in the ‘Neighborhood Watch’ Special Unit, which processes, channels and resolves the procedures for policing and regulating neighborhoods in a decentralized but efficient manner, and within the general framework of planning and management of the city of Quito, the capital of Ecuador, in order to ensure a dignified life for the citizens of the District. In 2016, she coauthored research on Corporate Communications with the publication of an article entitled “Perception, intangible assets and stakeholders: model for analysis of corporate image” in the Mediterranean Journal of Communication, which is sponsored by the University of Alicante. Spain.

 She has a degree in Corporate Communication from the University of the Americas in Quito, Ecuador. Her entry to the labor force was through a major multinational operating in Ecuador, where she was responsible for issues regarding external and internal communications. She also participated in the VIII Congreso Internacional Latina de Communicación Social, as coauthor of a paper entitled "Corporate Communication Management: Considerations for Addressing Study and Practice."


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How to Cite

Apolo Buenaño, D. ., Baez Erazo, V. G. ., Pauker Teneda, L. ., & Pasquel Racines, G. (2017). Corporate Communication Management: Considerations for the approach to its study and practice. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 521–539.


