Open access communication academic journals in Mexico. Challenges and difficulties




academic/scientific journals, communication journals, electronic journals, Mexico, Conacyt


The research exposes the case of academic journals of open access communication in Mexico, their background, current status, challenges and vicissitudes. It also distinguishes the number of undergraduate and graduate degrees in communication in the country with the idea of ​​reflecting and relating the information to the total of existing journals. Methodology: Descriptive, the work is based on the review of open access academic publications that deal with communication issues. It identifies the characteristics of the adjective "academic", examines their visibility through indexing to databases, access formats, use of the Open Journal Systems (ojs), inclusion of the digital object identifier (doi), use of antiplagiarism programs, adherence to the Committee on Publication Ethics (Cope), use of Creative Commons licenses, and registration of citing in Google Scholar, various access formats, among others. Results and discussion: In two tables, the current status of open access communication journals in Mexico recognizes that existing publications are insufficient; that, in parallel, they coexist with their printed version, and that the electronic version is lagging behind technological advances and international standardization processes that leaves them out of the interest of some of the national authors to publish in them. It also recognizes the existence of journals endorsed by educational institutions, which do not have precisely the interest of being indexed to national and international databases, since their inbred/institutional role allows them to be appropriately a learning platform for the training of academics who for the first time experience the art of publishing


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Author Biographies

Maricela López-Ornelas, Autonomous University of Baja California

Maricela is a member of the National System of Researchers (Level 1). She holds a bachelor’s degree in Communication by the School of Human Sciences, a Master’s Degree in Educational Sciences with Honorable Mention by the Institute of Research and Educational Development of UABC, and a Doctoral Degree “Cum Laude” in Communication by Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.

She is also a member of the scientific committee of eight international scientific journals, teaches undergraduate and graduate courses and is a master and doctoral dissertation director. She has published articles and book chapters and participated as speaker and coordinator at national and international conferences. Founding member of the Ibero-American Communication Network (RAIC - Red Iberoamericana de Comunicación). Co-founder of Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa (Educational Research Electronic Journal). She currently works as full-time faculty of the Institute of Research and Educational Development of UABC. Last publication: Osuna-Lever, C., Díaz-López, K. M., & López Ornelas, M. (2016). Operacionalización e indicadores de la pedagogía de la alteridad (Operationalization and indicators of the pedagogy of diversity). Revista Teoría de la Educación, 28(2), 186-200.

Cecilia Osuna Lever, CETYS University System

Dr. Osuna is a member of the National System of Researchers (Level 1). She holds a doctoral degree in Educational Sciences by the Institute of Research and Educational Development of the Autonomous University of Baja California and is a full-time research professor and the Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities of CETYS University System. Lines of research: Ethics and Humanities of CETYS University System, school desertion, pedagogy of diversity and humanistic faculty training. Recent Publications: Romero-Sánchez, E. & Osuna-Lever, C. (2015). El abandono escolar como consecuencia de la exclusión social y educativa: una mirada desde España y México (School desertion as a consequence of social and educational exclusion: a view from Spain and Mexico). J. González-Geraldo (Coord).  Educación, Desarrollo y Cohesión Social  (pp. 243-250). Spain: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla la Mancha. Osuna-Lever, C., Díaz-López, K. M., & López Ornelas, M. (2016). Operacionalización e indicadores de la pedagogía de la alteridad (Operationalization and indicators of the pedagogy of diversity). Revista Teoría de la Educación, 28(2), 186-200. Díaz-López, K. M. & Osuna-Lever, C. (2016). Las evaluaciones estandarizadas del aprendizaje y la mejora de la calidad educativa (Standardized learning assessment and the improvement of educational quality). Revista Temas de Educación22(1), 131-146.

Karla María Díaz López, CETYS University System

Dr. Díaz is a member of the National System of Researchers (candidate level). She holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology by the Autonomous University of Baja California (graduated with honorable mention), and a master’s and doctoral degree in Educational Sciences by the Institute of Research and Educational Development of UABC (also graduated with honorable mention). She has carried out research stays at Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain and at Universidad de Sonora, Mexico.

Currently working at the Center for Higher and Technical Education, CETYS University, in the Ensenada campus as coordinator of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities, where she also teaches courses in undergraduate and graduate programs. Dr. Díaz also collaborates in the research project: School desertion in high school education in social exclusion environments in Baja California. A review from the pedagogy of diversity. This project is being developed at CETYS with the cooperation of researchers from Universidad de Murcia, Spain. Dr. Díaz directs master dissertations and is a member of master and doctoral dissertation committees.


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How to Cite

López-Ornelas, M. ., Osuna Lever, C., & Díaz López, K. M. (2017). Open access communication academic journals in Mexico. Challenges and difficulties. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 475–499.


