Center-periphery tension in the production of the political communication field. The Mexican case




reflexivity, scientific production, center-periphery, semi-periphery, political communication


Each country’s development characteristics and production in a scientific field such as that of political communication in Mexico is an opportunity to locate the tendencies in scientific productivity in said field. Methodology. In an exploratory design, 202 articles referring to the phenomenon of political communication in Mexico were analyzed so as to observe how production has behaved in a period in relation with world production of the same object of study. Results and conclusions. It was revealed that production tendencies do not manage to structure a consolidated field and that is exactly why they are oriented more towards the periphery of global scientific production.


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Author Biographies

Alejandra Rodríguez-Estrada, CONACYT-BUAP

Alejandra Rodríguez-Estrada holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Monterrey (ITESM), Monterrey Campus, Master in Sciences with specialization in International Communication at the same institution (Mexico).

Member of the National System of Researchers, Candidate Level.
Currently holds a post-doctoral stay CONACYT at the Institute of Government Sciences and Strategic Development BUAP in Puebla.

His research deals with the conformation of the scientific field of political communication in Mexico and subjects related to political communication, processes of political socialization and political participation.

He has published chapters of books and articles in scientific journals with the themes mentioned above.

José Antonio Meyer, Institute of Government Sciences and Strategic Development BUAP

Doctor in Information Sciences (Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain), specialized in political communication and public opinion.

Member of the National System of Researchers (Level 1. Area of ​​Social Sciences).

He has more than 25 years of teaching experience in institutions of the country and abroad.

He has been responsible for more than 20 research projects focused on the study of public information, media treatment and public opinion processes.

He is currently the Director of the Institute of Government Sciences and Strategic Development of the Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla, BUAP.

Google scholar José Antonio Meyer

Martín Echeverría Victoria, Institute of Government Sciences and Strategic Development BUAP

Martin Echeverría Victoria. Communicator, PhD in Communication and Culture (University of Seville), Master in Political Communication and Public Opinion (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona).

Member of the National System of Researchers, Level 1.

His research lines are the audiovisual formats of political communication, studies of political journalism and the relationship between media consumption, youth and politics.

Research Professor at the Institute of Government Sciences and Strategic Development, Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico.

Google scholar Martín Echeverría Victoria


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Estrada, A., Meyer, J. A., & Echeverría Victoria, M. . (2017). Center-periphery tension in the production of the political communication field. The Mexican case. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 453–474.


