The working conditions of media internships: an empirical study




University, news media, internship, students, interns, working conditions, journalists, education


This article describes the conditions of interns in media companies and their degree of satisfaction with such conditions. Methods. The study is based on a survey conducted in 2015 among all journalism students doing internships in newspapers, radio stations and news agencies in the city of Málaga. Data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results. 85% of the interns affirm they systematically work overtime. Their workload is comparable to that of senior professionals. Despite these conditions, satisfaction among interns is high, and it increases when they perceive the company values their overtime. However, interns’ satisfaction diminishes as their experience increases. Conclusions. The results question the formative role of internships and indicate that students’ behaviours and attitudes could be explained by their expectations of job placement in the medium.


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Author Biographies

Manuel García-Borrego, University of Málaga

Manuel García-Borrego holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and an MRes degree in Journalistic Communication, both from the University of Málaga. Pre-doctorate research fellow at the University of Málaga thanks to the Prospective Professor in Training Scholarship (FPU) granted by the Ministry of Education.

Former Senior research technician in the research project “Effects of the media crisis on the exercise of journalism”, funded by the Regional Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment of the Government of Andalusia.

Researcher in the areas of news production, professional journalistic culture and socialisation, and internships. Author of journal articles published in ZerRevista Opción and Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación.

H-index in Google Scholar: 1.

Sergio Roses Campos, University of Málaga

Sergio Roses Campos is an Associate Professor at the Department of Journalism of the University of Málaga. His research works explore the professional culture, education and working conditions of journalists, from a comparative perspective, as well as citizens’ trust in the media.

Author of articles published in journals such as Journalism StudiesComunicarCommunication&SocietyJournalism & Mass Communication EducatorEstudios sobre el Mensaje PeriodísticoObservatorioZer and Revista Complutense de Educación, among others.

H-index in Google Scholar: 7.

Pedro Farias Batlle, University of Málaga

Pedro Farias Batlle holds a PhD degree in Information Sciences. Full Professor of Journalism at the University of Málaga. Author of numerous articles on the media system, news credibility and the university teaching of journalism in Spain. His most recent works include: “The Academic Use of Social Networks among University Students” (Comunicar, 2012) and “Comportamiento de la audiencia de televisión en las redes sociales. Una aproximación al perfil y programas más comentados” (Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 2015)

Former director, from 2006 to 2011, of the Informe anual de la profesión periodística (“Annual report on the Journalistic Profession”), edited by the Press Association of Madrid. He recently collaborated with researchers from more than 50 countries in the development of The Global Journalist in the 21st Century, published by Routledge, and coordinated by David Weaver and Lars Willnat (Indiana University).

Member of numerous national and international research projects. Leader of the research project (CSO 2008-05125) titled “News credibility and its impact on the citizenry”, financed by the National Plan of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation; the Excellence Project (SEJ-8073) “Credibility of the media system in Andalusia. Citizens’ trust on audiovisual media”, funded by the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science of the Government of Andalusia; and the research project “Effects of the media crisis on the exercise of journalism”, funded by Andalusia’s Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment. Evaluator at the Spanish Agency for Research Projects Evaluation (ANEP). Former member of the Communication Group of the Spanish Commission at UNESCO (2001-2008); Vice President for Communications and International Projection of the University of Málaga (2012-2016); and Secretary General of the Communications sector of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish universities (CRUE) (2012-2014).

H-index in Google Scholar: 11.


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How to Cite

García-Borrego, Manuel, Sergio Roses Campos, and Pedro Farias Batlle. 2017. “The working conditions of media internships: an empirical study”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 72 (April):430-52.


