The relational paradigm in the strategies used by destination marketing organizations. Interactivity and social roles in institutional tourist websites




Official tourist website, relational marketing, interactivity, social media, social website, digital communication strategy


The research analyses the degree of interactivity of the official tourist websites of the main Spanish sun and beach destinations as far as their strategies in achieving a two-way communication performance. Besides, key aspects related to social media and the social web, which are also necessary in this bidirectional communication established with their target audience are also evaluated in this research. Methodology. In both cases, content and functional analysis are applied to a series of indicators that provide descriptive information about their status and a score that allows a comparative analysis. Results and conclusions. The results show significant shortcomings in the field of interactivity, but an important development regarding social media and social website tools. At the same time, the research points out elements which are essential tools in tourism marketing and communication strategies that must be corrected in order to benefit aspects of social tourist websites.


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Author Biographies

Alba-María Martínez-Sala, University of Alicante

Degree in Information Sciences (Advertising and Public Relations) from the Complutense University of Madrid and a PhD in Fine Arts (art and graphic design) from the Miguel Hernández University.

Teacher in the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations, in the field of advertising strategy and public relations at the University of Alicante and in the Official Master in Organization of Events, Protocol and Institutional Relations of IMEP, in that of the events and relationship marketing.

She has carried out her professional activity in several private organizations. Her main lines of research are digital communication in the public and private sphere, specifically in the institutional tourism sector and in the franchise company. It belongs to the Compubes research group at the University of Alicante.

Juan Monserrat-Gauchi, University of Alicante

Doctor in Information Sciences from the Cardenal Herrera CEU University of Valencia and a Bachelor of Information Science: Advertising and Public Relations from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He has carried out research stays at: Universidad de Playa Ancha, Valparaíso, Chile; National Autonomous University of Mexico; and The California State University, USA.

His main lines of research are communication in the franchise company, commercial communication systems and processes, and communication for specific audiences.

He belongs to the Compubes and Fisec research groups, and is a member of the Observatory of Scientific Journals of Social Sciences. It has been the National Franchise Award for the best analysis and research work.

Concepción Campillo Alhama, University of Alicante

Concepción Campillo Alhama has a BA in CC. of Information (Advertising and Public Relations) by the U.C.M. Doctor in Sociology from the University of Alicante with the Thesis “Public Communication and Municipal Strategic Management.

An exploratory study on the thematic agenda ”, with which it obtained the BLAS INFANTE 2010 Prize for Study and Research on Public Administration and Management, granted by the Andalusian Institute of Public Administration (IAAP) in its XIV edition. Expert in Protocol and RR. Institutional by the Miguel Hernández University of Elche and the International School of Protocol (EIP).

Director and Academic Coordinator of the Official Master's Degree in Event Organization, protocol and RR.II. of the UMH-IMEP during the first three editions. It belongs to the GEPIPS Research Groups: Group of studies on institutional, political and social advertising, as well as Communication and Specific Publics, both attached to the Department of Communication and Social Psychology of the University of Alicante.

She has carried out her professional activity in various public and private organizations; among them, the City Council of Elche, where it developed between 1997 and 1999, from the Headquarters of Protocol and RR. Institutional attached to the Mayor's Office, functions related to the management of institutional communication, external relations or the planning of special events. Since 1999 and until the present, she has been teaching and researching work at the University of Alicante (Department of Communication and Social Psychology, Advertising and Audiovisual Communication area).

During her period of association with the University, she has developed, among others, lines of research on proximity communication of municipal entities and the local media agenda, public communication or creative and innovative events. From 2004 to 2010, she has belonged to the Board of Directors of the Spanish Protocol Association (AEP), occupying the voice of external relations. She is a Teaching Partner of the Association of Communications Directors (DIRCOM).


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How to Cite

Martínez-Sala, Alba-María, Juan Monserrat-Gauchi, and Concepción Campillo Alhama. 2017. “The relational paradigm in the strategies used by destination marketing organizations. Interactivity and social roles in institutional tourist websites”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 72 (March):374-96.




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