Normative affectivity as the foundation of domestic authority in the digital society




affectivity, family authority, duty of care, exemplarity, parental authority, digital literacy


From an interdisciplinary perspective, we studied whether or not the incorporation of Internet into the home is a reason for the decline in parental authority. Method. After comparing theoretical and legal sources with the hermeneutical analysis of five panel discussions among specialists in family mediation and edu-communication, we found that the "affective" factor is specifically relevant for testing the hypothesis. Results. Family authority is a moral process that transforms full subjection to the power of parents into a unit of norms generated by mutual affection. If the norms generated during cohabitation strengthen affectivity, they gradually transform the original power into moral authority.Conclusions: Authority becomes firmly established if the behavior of parents merits trust due to its exemplarity and is consistent with the norms generated by the process of affective relationships. The differential in digital competence may be a conditioning factor of the process, but it is not decisive. 


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Author Biographies

Luis Núñez Ladevéze, San Pablo CEU University

Luis Núñez Ladevéze is a professor at the Complutense University of Madrid on leave of absence and, currently, a professor at the San Pablo-CEU University where he directs the Institute for Democracy Studies.

Journalist and writer, he has belonged to the editorial boards of Nuevo Diario, Diario 16 (of which he was founder) and Ya newspaper.

He has been vice-dean of the Faculty of Information Sciences of the UCM and is the author of an extensive academic bibliography, in which the language of the media, legal language and social science stands out. The construction of the text, Theory and practice of the construction of the text.

Director of the magazine Doxa. Communication belongs to the editorial boards of a dozen international magazines.

In his professional work as a journalist, he has been head of opinion for Diario 16, director of information for the Cortes, editorialist for Abc, director of opinion for the newspaper Ya, contributor to the newspapers El Mundo, Radio Intereconomía and Expansión.

He currently exercises theatrical criticism in Gaceta de los Negocios. In addition to being the author of a considerable specialized work, he has cultivated the essay and recently published Ideology liberty, The fiction of the social pact, Human identities, moral conflicts in postmodernity and the novel The impetus of the wind.

He is a Director of the Council for the Coordination of Universities.

Margarita Núñez Canal, Camilo José Cela University

Doctorate (PhD) in the Departments of Economics and Social Communication at University San Pablo CEU. Graduate Professor UCJC, researcher in entrepreneur programs. Master’s Degree in Law & Economics (University of Rotterdam), Euroforum-INSEAD. Management Development Program 2011-2012 at IE Business School, Post-Graduate in Executive Coaching; 2013-2014. USP-CEU, Researcher - Department of Economics with Universities of Warwick (UK) and Laaperenta (Finland). Professor of the Master’s Degree Program in Management of Real Estate Companies, UPM (ETSAM). Professor at the University Antonio de Nebrija.

José Antonio Irisarri Núñez, Villanueva University Center attached to the UCM

Doctorate (PhD) and Professor of C.U. Villanueva (UCM). Professor of Strategic Marketing at University Nebrija in the MBA Program (2000). PhD in Communications from University San Pablo-CEU, Master’s Degree in Economics and Business Administration (MBA) from IESE-UNAV. Degree in Law. Participates in Program of Activities on Digital Vulnerability (PROVULDIG) Ref. S/2015/HUM-3434 and research project Auctoritas CSO2013-42166-R.


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How to Cite

Núñez Ladevéze, L., Núñez Canal, M. ., & Irisarri Núñez, J. A. . (2017). Normative affectivity as the foundation of domestic authority in the digital society. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (72), 331–348.


