Accountability and Media Systems in Spain: Real impact and good practices in Spanish Media




media accountability systems, journalistic cultures, self-regulation, transparency, journalism ethics, Spain


Media accountability must be performed through mechanisms that allow the public to measure the commitment of journalists and information professionals to such values as pluralism, transparency and accuracy. This article seeks to identify the journalistic cultures existing in the several Spanish autonomous communities and to measure the impact of the media accountability systems implemented in each one of these communitites. The study is based on the hypothesis that journalistic culture in Spain does not respond to a unique media system or model (like the mediterranean or polarised pluralist models), as argued by Hallin and Mancini in Comparing Media Systems. Conversely, researchers believe that a wide range of journalistic cultures coexist in Spain, and that this fact demands the review of such classification. The research design combines an online survey among different media actors and focus groups of citizens, media experts, and media professionals. The results will allow the design and assessment of media accountability models in which values ​​such as transparency and plurality are integrated.


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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Suárez-Villegas, University of Sevilla

Professor at the University of Seville and Senior Lecturer in Journalism. Researcher in the areas of media ethics and deontology. Author of more than ten books and more than thirty journal articles and papers delivered in international conferences. His main publications include Principios de Ética ProfesionalA propósito de la actividad informativa (“Principles of professional ethics. With regards to the informative activity”) (Tecnos, 2001); La maternidad masculinaY otros ensayos sobre la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres desde otro punto de vista (“Male maternity. And other essays on equality between women and men from another point of view”) (Dykinson, 2012), which has been translated it into English and Italian.

Leader of the R&D project on journalistic ethics: “Expectation of the Andalusian public of the ethics of the media” (2006-2010); “Ethical challenges of digital journalism. A comparative analysis between five European countries” (2012-2015).

Member of the research project of the Pompeu Fabra University on “Accountability and journalistic cultures in Spain. Impact and good practices in the Spanish media”.

Leader of the research group of the Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan (PAIDI) SEJ-495: “Critical thinking, Communication and Human Rights”. Evaluator at National Evaluation and Prospective Agencies (ANEP) and the Italian Agency of University Quality (ANVUR).
Guest researcher at the universities of Oxford (1991), Bologna (1992), La Sapienza (2009-2013) and Berkeley (2015).

His research stay at Berkeley University was sponsored by the University of Seville within the TECH excellence programme. Member of the Journalism Arbitration, Complaints and Ethics Committee of Spain. Visiting professor at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico and the Anahuac University (México).

Ruth Rodríguez-Martínez, Pompeu Fabra University

Ruth Rodríguez-Martínez holds a PhD degree in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid. Professor of Journalism at the Communication Department of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF).

Member of the Journalism Research Group of the Pompeu Fabra University. Researcher in the areas of cultural journalism, media ethics, and digital journalism. Participant in several research projects funded by the Spanish Ministry and the European Commission. Leader of the research project MediaACES. Accountability and journalistic cultures in Spain. Impact and good practices in the Spanish media (MINECO/FEDER, UE, ref: CSO2015-66404-P).

Marcel Mauri-Ríos, Pompeu Fabra University

Marcel Mauri-Ríos holds a PhD degree in Journalism from the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Researcher in the areas of history of journalism and journalistic ethics, quality, and accountability. Research Professor at the Communication Department of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Consultant in the areas of ethics and right to information at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC).
Main researcher in the MediaACES research project. Accountability and journalistic cultures in Spain. Impact and good practices in the Spanish media (MINECO/FEDER, UE, Ref: CSO2015-66404-P).

Amparo López-Meri, Universitat Jaume I of Castellón

Amparo López-Meri holds a PhD degree in Journalism. Associate Professor at the Communication Department of the Jaume I University of Castellón. Researcher in the areas of reformulation of journalism and political communication in the digital environment. Author of Twitter-retórica para captar votos en campaña electoral. El caso de las elecciones de Cataluña de 2015 (“Twitter-rhetoric to attract votes in election campaign. The case of the 2015 Catalonian elections”) and El debate de la actualidad periodística española en Twitter: Del corporativismo de periodistas y políticos al activismo ciudadano (“Debate on the reality of Spanish journalism on Twitter: From corporatism of journalists and politicians to citizen activism”). Former news editor at Canal 9 (Valencia), IB3 (Balearic Islands) and Europa Press.


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How to Cite

Suárez-Villegas, J. C. ., Rodríguez-Martínez, R. ., Mauri-Ríos, M., & López-Meri, A. . (2017). Accountability and Media Systems in Spain: Real impact and good practices in Spanish Media. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 321–330.


