Cultural and Creative Industries in the Community of Madrid: context and economic development 2008 – 2014




Cultural industry, creative industry, business volume, employment, regional GDP, gross value added


The Community of Madrid is one of the main focuses of Cultural and Creative Industries in Spain (CCI), therefore it is necessary to measure their socioeconomic impact in the region in aspects such as competitiveness, investment, employment and social cohesion. Objectives: The objective of this article is to introduce a model, using a harmonized and comparable methodology, that identifies the evolution of CCIs in the Community of Madrid (CAM) in the current context of digital change, so to understand public policies and gain awareness, from an Autonomic perspective, about to what extent they contribute to the generation of employment and social wellbeing. The purpose of our research is, therefore, the construction of tools that improve current statistical parameters and that promote their implementation by Autonomic governments -which doesn’t have a Strategic Plan so far, as other Autonomies do–, establishing a better connection with the goals of Horizon 2020 Programme. Methods: Therefore, a statistical model has been created with comparable data to those used by the European Union and UNESCO based on INE surveys and reports from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, among other sources. Results and Conclusions: Results show the repercussion of the financial crisis in all magnitudes, the relevance of advertisement and audiovisual sectors regarding regional GDP, stabilization of performative fine arts and libraries and museums, and the dropping of architecture, both economic and labour. We also find there are huge differences in the investment in culture among AACC.


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Author Biographies

Eduardo Francisco Rodríguez Gómez, Carlos III University

Professor and researcher in training of the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Graduate in Journalism by this same university and with a Master in Mass Communications by the London Metropolitan University, he has dedicated the last years of his research to the study of research journalism and the analysis of the quality of research in communication.  He is professor of Journalism for the subjects “Structure and informative effects of the media system” and “Network journalism”, in the Spanish and Bilingual programmes, and tutor of the Double Degree of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication for Final Year Dissertations. He also has taught the elective subject “Universal History of Journalism” and has participated in the subjects of the University Master in Research applied to Mass Media: “Methodology of Research in the field of Media Communication” and “New trends of journalism in the field of Contents”.

Elena Real Rodríguez, Complutense University of Madrid

Professor in the Department of Journalism III of the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Member of the UCM staff. Graduate and Doctor in Information Sciences by UCM. Extraordinary Doctorate Award.  Two acknowledged six-year periods of research. Specialist in subjects related to Ethics and Professional Deontology, journalistic profession, Teaching of Journalism and Humanist Theory of Information. Her articles and publications handle about these themes and areas of knowledge. Member of the UCM Research Group “ANALYSIS OF CULTURAL AND SCIENTIFIC DISSEMINATION IN SOCIAL MASS MEDIA” (Reference MEC: CCG06-UCM/HUM-1092. Reference UCM: Group 931104). Research member of the Ibero-American Observatory of Communication. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal CONEXIONES. Reviewer of national and foreign scientific journals. Member of the Spanish Association of Communication Researchers (AE-IC). Founder and President of the Association of Professors and Researchers in Ethics and Deontology of Communication (ADIEDEC).

Gloria Rosique Cedillo, University Carlos III de Madrid

Professor and Researcher in the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where she teaches the subjects of Theory and Analysis of Audiovisual Documentary, Audiovisual Production, Communication and Media Systems.

Ph.D. as Doctor Europaeus by Universidad Complutense de Madrid, graduate M.A. in Audiovisual media management, and B.A. in Audiovisual Communication by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. She has worked in TV production and writing in different media companies (Antena 3 TV, Canal 7 Madrid, Canal 13 TV), in communication departments, and as a researcher in different organisations (IAVANTE, Andalusia’s Ministry of health, ATEI).

Author and co-author of various research works about television and contents, citizen participation and media monitoring, audiovisual documentary, and the EHEA.

Member of the research group “Political information, Twitter and democracy: politicians and citizens in the social media environment”, of Universidad Jaume I, through which she has participated in different R + D funded projects. Part-time researcher in other projects of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Current Coordinator of the research group on comparative education policy of the Universidad del Desarrollo Empresarial y Pedagógico (UNIVDEP), México.

Some of her academic works are available in her Google Scholar profile:


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Gómez, E. F., Real Rodríguez, E. . ., & Rosique Cedillo, G. . (2017). Cultural and Creative Industries in the Community of Madrid: context and economic development 2008 – 2014. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 295–320.


