Representation of women as terrorists and victims of terrorism in the Spanish press. The case of El País newspaper




women and terrorism, gender representations, stereotypes, news, qualitative approach


This article aims to identify the interpretive frames that link women and terrorism in the Spanish newspaper El PaísMethods. The body of the study derives from a search in natural language carried out within the library of El País newspaper. The study is based on the identification and subsequent analysis of the news stories that contained the terms mujer* and terroris* (“wom*” and “terroris*”). A total of 50 news items were selected and categorised according to two criteria: the interpretive frames and the features attributed to women. Results and conclusions. The analysis resulted in the identification of four frames: women as terrorists (the discourse of exceptionalism), women as recruiters (the discourse of expertise), women as victims (the discourse of sensationalism) and women as warriors (the discourse of bravery).


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Author Biographies

Juan F. Plaza Juan F. Plaza, Loyola Andalucía University

Juan F. Plaza has a doctorate in Communication from the Pontifical University of Salamanca and a University Expert in the non-sexist treatment of information from the Jaume I University of Castellón. He is a tenured professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Loyola Andalucía University, in Seville , where he teaches the subjects of Written Communication in different degrees. He is currently vice-dean of the Faculty of CC. Social Sciences of the Universidad Loyola Andalucía. He has also been co-director of the Gender and Communication Postgraduate Course. His research is oriented to the study of the representations of men and women in the mass media (stereotypes, models, language ...). He has worked the models of masculinity and femininity that appear in women's magazines aimed at adolescent girls, the prominence of women in the daily press or the new models of 'real' women in advertising, to name a few. He has published some books and articles in scientific journals referring to this topic.

Pedro Rivas-Nieto, Loyola Andalucía University

Pedro Rivas holds a PhD degree in Journalism and a Master’s degree in International Relations. Full Professor and Vice-Dean at the School of Law and Political Science of the Loyola University Andalusia. 

He has carried out research in universities from four continents. His main publications include Terrorismo y antiterrorismo en el mundo contemporáneo“Terrorism and counterterrorism in the contemporary world” (Penguin Random House Mondadori); Doctrina de Seguridad Nacional y Regímenes Militares de Iberoamérica“Doctrine of national security and military regimes in Latin America” (Libro Universitario); Oriente Próximo y Nuevo Terrorismo /“Near East and New Terrorism” (Fragua); and Orden Internacional y Conflictos /“International order and Conflicts” (Biblioteca Nueva). Author of about sixty more scientific publications in a dozen of countries.

Pablo Rey-García, University of Salamanca

Pablo Rey García is Professor at the Pontifical University of Salamanca. He holds a PhD degree in Communication, a Master’s degree in Peace, Security and Defence from the IUGM-UNED, and an Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA) in Contemporary History. Member of the Spanish Association of Military History.

Guest Professor at the Wright State University of Dayton, Ohio. Guest researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the American University of Beirut and the University of Leuven, among others.

Author of fifty publications in the field of conflict, post-conflict, image and radicalism.


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How to Cite

Juan F. Plaza, J. F. P., Rivas-Nieto, P., & Rey-García, P. . (2017). Representation of women as terrorists and victims of terrorism in the Spanish press. The case of El País newspaper. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 129–144.




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