Viral communication through social media: analysis of its antecedents




Word-of-Mouth Communication, Electronic word-of mouth communication, Viral Marketing, Social Media, Trademark message


This article describes the evolution that the word-of-mouth communication has had until the viral marketing. In addition, it identifies the emotions, the influences, the content, the execution and the media as backgrounds. These backgrounds will influence the virality of the trademark message through social media.  Methodology: It analyses the lineal regression to explain the relationship between a variable with others. In addition, the behaviour of a variable is estimated according to the knowledge of other variables. This knowledge influences the variable behaviour. Analysis and conclusions: This article states that the emotions and the influences exercise a meaningful effect on the message's virality and that the execution variable is the least influential. It is recommended to the organizations to maintain relationships with the users through social media and to cooperate by designing the trademark message. By this way, the message will have a large breadth of outreach and will be more credible for the users. 


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Author Biographies

José Ramón Sarmiento Guede, International University of La Rioja

José Ramón Sarmiento Guede. He holds a PhD in Marketing from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid and a Master's in Marketing Management from Esic. He is currently a professor at the Universidad Internacional de Rioja and at ESERP Business Shool. He has published a book entitled Relationship Marketing in which he describes how organizations have to develop relationships with their customers by using social media. He has also published more than ten articles in indexed journals and has participated in numerous congresses. His interest in research focuses on integrated communications in marketing and social media.

Javier de Esteban Curiel, Rey Juan Carlos University

Javier de Esteban Curiel. He holds a PhD (with Distintcion) in Methodologies of Research for Social Sciences from Complutense University of Madrid, and a Master of Arts in European Tourism Management from Bournemouth University (UK). Currently he is Tenured Professor at Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain), and Visiting Researcher at several universities such as London Metropolitan University (UK) and University of Nevada (USA). He has published six books in the subjects of tourism, marketing and research methodologies; and more than 20 papers in indexed journals. He is Editor and Referee of several academic journals related to tourism and marketing. His research interest is focused on marketing techniques for services in general, and tourism in particular.

Arta Antonovica, Rey Juan Carlos University

Arta Antonovica. She holds a PhD in Marketing Communication from Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, and a Master of Arts MBA in RISEBA Riga School of Economics and Business Administration (Latvia). Currently she is Associate Professor at Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain), and Visiting Researcher at several universities such as Istanbul University (Turkey) and University of Nevada (USA). She has published three books in the subjects of international relations, marketing and research methodologies; and more than 10 papers in indexed journals. She is Referee of several academic journals related to tourism and marketing and Chair of AEDEM international conferences. Her research interest is focused on communication techniques and tourism studies


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How to Cite

Sarmiento Guede, J. R., de Esteban Curiel, J. ., & Antonovica, A. . (2017). Viral communication through social media: analysis of its antecedents. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 69–86.


