Impact of the financial crisis on the cultural and creative industries: the case of Aragon (2008-2013)




cultural and creative industries, Aragon, service sector, employment, economic crisis


The following paper describes the effects of the past economic crisis on cultural and creative industries (CCI) in Aragon. It seeks to measure the social and economic impact suffered by CCIs and provides comparable data on these industries and their development. The study covers the time span between 2008 –previous to the crisis– and 2013, when the economic decline slowed down. Methodology: Official statistics, obtained exclusively for the purpose of this paper, have been used, considering four reference variables (turnover, added value, employment and number of companies) in seven CCI subsectors (Architecture; Performing Arts, Visual Arts; Film and Video; Libraries, Archives and Museums; Books and Press; and Advertising). Results and conclusions: CCIs have little impact in Aragon, where Books and press dominate the market. Generally speaking, all subsectors suffer a significant decline regarding the aforementioned economic indicators within the selected time span.


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Author Biographies

José-Juan Verón-Lassa, San Jorge University

Doctor in Journalism and Communication.

His line of research is focused on political communication, communication management in public administrations and the development of the information society. It belongs to the Communication, Journalism, Politics and Citizenship research group recognized by the Government of Aragon. He has participated as a researcher in several national projects in collaboration with groups from different universities.

He is the author of a dozen books, among which stand out The effectiveness of the simple, introduction to the practice of journalism (Social Communication, 2006 and 2008), Information management in local administration (Social Communication, 2008), The 2008 general election campaign in the daily press (Asociación de Periodistas de Aragón, 2011), Autonomous and municipal elections of 2011 in Aragon seen from the newspapers (Fragua, 2014) o The social initiative for mediation of water conflicts in Aragon (Presses of the University of Zaragoza, 2019).

Ricardo Zugasti-Azagra, Universidad of Zaragoza

Teacher and researcher in the field of Communication and Journalism at the University of Navarra (1999-2006) and at the San Jorge University (2006-2016).

At the San Jorge University he served as Vice Dean of Research at the Faculty of Communication and as director of the Doctorate in Communication program.

He was the founder and first editor of the magazine Communico.


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How to Cite

Verón-Lassa, J.-J., Zugasti-Azagra, R., & Sabés-Turmo, F. (2017). Impact of the financial crisis on the cultural and creative industries: the case of Aragon (2008-2013). Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 26–46.


