Research focus and methodological features in the recent Spanish communication studies (2008-2014)




Spanish communication studies, journals, research focus, research methods


The interest in analyzing communication research in Spain has grown in the last decade, but there are still few studies that address the description of the objects of study and the methodological approaches. In the line of an earlier work addressing these issues for the period 1998-2007, the latest Spanish research in this field is analyzed by a content analysis of the papers published between 2008 and 2014 in five specialized journals: Anàlisi, Comunicación y Sociedad, Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social and Zer, journals that occupy prominent positions in the impact factors of the specialty in Spain. The sample design has been done choosing alternate years in the period studied (2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014), and the final corpus include 529 articles signed by authors working in Spanish universities and research centers. Those texts were codified by a coding sheet that includes five variables, four of them to account for the objects of study and three on methodological aspects. The results indicate that the recent Spanish research on communication takes the study of journalism and news as the preferred object, and it is specially interested in the analysis of media content, which accounts for 60% of contributions in this period. With regard to methodological approaches, Spanish researchers still do basically empirical studies, predominantly quantitative research, with a clear improvement in the methodological quality.


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Author Biographies

Manuel Martínez Nicolás, Rey Juan Carlos University

Professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC). Member of the Group for Advanced Communication Studies ( and professor in the URJC Master's Degree in Applied Research in Communication. Director of the Working Group on Communication Research History of the Spanish Association for Communication Research, and Principal Investigator of the project 25 years of research on communication in Spain (1990-2015), financed by the State R&D Plan + i

Enric Saperas-Lapiedra, Rey Juan Carlos University

University professor. Professor of Communication Theories and director of the Master of Research Applied to Communication at the Rey Juan Carlos University. Member of the Group for Advanced Communication Studies (GEAC). He develops his research activity in the field of professional journalism practices, the evolution of communicative research through the analysis of articles published in scientific journals.


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How to Cite

Martínez Nicolás, M. ., & Saperas-Lapiedra, E. (2016). Research focus and methodological features in the recent Spanish communication studies (2008-2014). Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (71), 1365–1384.


