Migration of the Colombian radio strategy: from sound to social screens





Radio, CIT, Social networks, Audience, Digital Ecosystem


The Colombian radio industry is living a transition and contents re-thinking process to accommodate to the new mediatic landscape where digital devices and communication platforms compete. It is a technological transformation that is producing in a vertiginous manner, while it opens the possibility to express to the world the different ways of perceiving, feeling and living existence, create niches, share experiences and adventures, not only locally but also globally. Under this perspective, this study uses a mixed method – quantitative (monitoring of contents and actions on social networks) and qualitative (reflections and analysis of media to reach audiences using other routes)-. The aforesaid, identifies the design of strategies to get the public’s attention from different consumption alternatives, while radio incorporates to the digital ecosystem, modifying its productive routines.


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Author Biographies

Andrés Barrios Rubio, University of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Social Communicator - Journalist, Specialist in Digital Edition and Multimedia graduated from the University of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Master in Business Administration with a Specialty in Project Management from the University of Viña del Mar - Chile, member of the Colombian Association of Editors and ACORD Sports Journalists, and the Project Management Institute PMI. Professional, researcher in the field of communication and new information and communication technologies "ICT", trained to work in the different fields of communication; with behavioral competencies and managerial skills, capable of understanding the dynamics of the business environment, to assume Project Management, in both public and private organizations, where he can lead work teams, manage risks, analyze and estimate costs, manage the acquisition of goods and services; conducting research and analysis in favor of solving a problem or a process of change.

Maria Gutiérrez García, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Professor of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), of which she has been director since September 2015. She teaches subjects related to audiovisual languages ​​and script in the degrees of Audiovisual Communication and Journalism and Trends in radio content in the official master's degree of the department (MUCAP).

He is a founding member of the research team of l’Observatori de la Ràdio a Catalunya (GRISS-UAB), where he actively participates in the co-direction and implementation of research projects.

His publications are related to radio content in the digital environment, the use of social networks, the youth audience and new business models.


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How to Cite

Barrios Rubio, A. ., & Gutiérrez García, M. (2016). Migration of the Colombian radio strategy: from sound to social screens. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 1243–1260. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2016-1144


