Female athletes and journalists in television sport news programmes, in comparison to their male counterparts





Gender inequality, sport news programmes, journalists, female athletes, coverage


 This research article examines the sport news programmes broadcast by the main television networks in Spain, in order to achieve two objectives: first, to analyse the representation and informative treatment of female athletes in comparison to their male counterparts and, second, to evaluate gender equality in sport journalism. Method: The study adopts a quantitative approach based on the content analysis technique. Results and conclusions: The results show a scarce presence of female athletes in comparison to their male counterparts, as well as the presence of certain journalistic mechanisms that subordinate women’s sport to men’s sport. Moreover, men also predominate in all roles involved in sport journalism. Therefore, the results suggest that television sport news programmes reinforce and perpetuate the idea of sport as a field made by and for men.



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Author Biographies

Elena Calvo Ortega, University of Salamanca

Researcher in training at the Department of Sociology and Communication of the University of Salamanca (USAL).

Research fellow financed by the University of Salamanca and Santander Bank. Holder of a Master’s degree in Audiovisual communication research and a Master’s degree in Secondary and high school teaching from the University of Salamanca, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Physical and Sports Sciences from the University of León.

Researcher in the areas of gender, sport and media and communications.

Begoña Gutiérrez San Miguel, University of Salamanca

Full professor in the University of Salamanca (USAL). Professor of Audiovisual narrative in the Bachelor’s degree programme in Audiovisual Communication.

Editor of the Fonseca Journal of Communication. Researcher in the areas of audiovisual narratives and languages, film, gender, nationalism and identity through audiovisual content and television narratives.

Author of several publications, including Teoría de la narración audiovisual (“Audiovisual narrative theory”), edited by Cátedra.


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How to Cite

Calvo Ortega, E., & Gutiérrez San Miguel, B. (2016). Female athletes and journalists in television sport news programmes, in comparison to their male counterparts. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (71), 1230–1242. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2016-1143




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