Notion for entrepreneurship in school entrepreneurial skills training




Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Skill, school training for entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial economy, innovative knowledge, creative initiative


Entrepreneurial skills are understood as an attitude to solve new problems by unknown answers. A revision of the concept of “entrepreneurship” to be applied in an educational context is proposed. Method: its origin, its phases of conceptual variation, the diverse conceptions and the state of the art of the concept “entrepreneurship” are revised resorting to relational phenomenology in order to manage the evolution of the meaning. Results: The analysis identifies the nexus between economic activity and education aimed at encouraging the students’ entrepreneurial skills. Such an aim is recommended by European and world institutions as adequate to confront the economic problems in digital society. Conclusion: the proposals to include a curricular discipline of "entrepreneurial economy" or applying a “cross-training” are not mutually exclusive. From a syncretic perspective, a specific discipline is complementary of an entrepreneurial cross-training.


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Author Biographies

Luis Núñez Ladeveze, San Pablo CEU University

Professor Emeritus. PhD program coordinator in Social Communication. University San Pablo CEU. Spain. Madrid.

University Professor of Complutense University (retired). Professor Emeritus of University San Pablo CEU. PhD program coordinator in Social Communication (CEINDO). Six research. Six R&D projects as IP since the year 2000. Founder and President of the International Researchers Association and Chairman of the editorial board of Doxa Comunicación. Index h 15 yhi10: 20 Google scholar citations. Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Institute of Communication Arts TRACOR. Member of the Board of Universities. Chair of the Board of Social Sciences in ANECA, ACAP, ACADEMIA, ANEP, CENAI, AQU, ACSUG, ACSUCYL, ICMEDIANET. Doctor of Law. Master’s degree and PhD studies in Philosophy. Master’s degree in Journalism. 25 Doctoral theses.

Margarita Núñez Canal, San Pablo CEU University

Doctor in the Departments of Economics and Social Communication at the Universidad San Pablo CEU. Professor in the postgraduate programme at UCJC. Researcher in entrepreneurship programmes. Master’s in Law & Economics (University of Rotterdam). Euro forum-INSEAD. Executive Development Programme. 2011-2012 IE Business School, Superior Executive Coaching Program; 2013-2014. USP-CEU, Researcher in the Department of Economics with Universities of Warwick (UK) and Laaperenta (Finland). Professor at the Master in Real Estate Companies, UPM (ETSAM). Professor at Antonio de Nebrija University.


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How to Cite

Núñez Ladeveze, L. ., & Núñez Canal, M. . (2016). Notion for entrepreneurship in school entrepreneurial skills training. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (71), 1069–1089.


