Information treatment of young Spanish emigrants in television news programmes and videos produced by emigrants (2009-2015)




Emigration, framing theory, identity, infotainment, youth


This article examines the representation of Spanish youth emigration to London offered by mainstream Spanish television programmes and by the emigrants themselves in social networks, based on the study of the construction of identities and framing theory. Methods. The study is based on the comparative content analysis of twelve television news items, a documentary and a webseries distributed in social networks, as well as on in-depth interviews with a group of young people who emigrated to London. Results and conclusions. The results indicate that youth emigration has not been a predominant theme in the agenda of mainstream television and that its information treatment has been characterised by de-contextualisation and simplification. The sample of documentaries and webseries that have been distributed on social networks by emigrants themselves offer a more accurate portrait of the reality of emigrants, and have become a meeting point for people seeking to share their experiences and a more detailed description of the process.


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Author Biographies

Mariona Visa Barbosa, University of Lleida

Professor in the BA degree programme in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism of the University of Lleida, where she is also Secretary of the Deanship of the School of Literature. Researcher in the areas of analysis of the media representation of family and youth and the uses of photography in social networks. Author of numerous articles published in national and international journals.

Joana Soto Merola, University of Lleida

Journalist, anthropologist and PhD from the University of Lleida (2015), with the thesis “Party, power and culture. A visual and anthropological analysis of the social imaginary of Francoism, through the photography of Joseph Porta”. Researcher in the areas of cultural identities, youth, social movements and social imaginaries. Author of collective works, including Padres y madres en serie (“Fathers and mothers in series”), Imaginaris nacionals moderns. Segles XVIII – XXI (“Modern national imaginaries. XVIII and XXI centuries”), La generación indignada. Topías y utopías del 15M (“The indignant generation. Topias and utopias of 15M”) and Altres llengües a Lleida (“Other languages in Lleida”).

Former lecturer at the universities of Lleida and Girona. Member of the GECIEC research group (focused on Culture and identity in contemporary Europe), of the Department of Catalan philology and communication, of the School of Literature of the University of Lleida. In the professional field, she has worked as a journalist and anthropologist and is currently the editor of Pagès editors and Editorial Milenio.

Clara Rubio Ros, University of Lleida

Researcher in the areas of youth, migration, social movements and social anthropology. Researcher at the Department de Geography and Sociology of the University of Lleida.


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How to Cite

Visa Barbosa, M., Soto Merola, J., & Rubio Ros, C. (2016). Information treatment of young Spanish emigrants in television news programmes and videos produced by emigrants (2009-2015). Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (71), 1036–1047.




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