Information treatment of gender-based violence in Andalusian public television. Breach of the code of ethics by Canal Sur




Information treatment, gender-based violence, code of ethics, public television


The main objective of this research article is to evaluate the information treatment of gender-based violence by the Radio and Television of Andalusia (RTVA). The analysis of the information transmitted by this public medium focuses on the rigour as well as on the compliance with the recommendations made by regional institutions regarding the information treatment of this type of violence. Methods. This is a qualitative study based on critical discourse analysis in its multimodal version which addresses the different variables of the audiovisual discourse articulated in categories that allow for the identification of the implied and explicit intentions of the text and its relationship to the context. Results and conclusions. The results indicate that there are deviations with respect to the correction proposed by the code of ethics for the information treatment of violence against women, so it was concluded that this information can be improved through specialised training to deal with this type of information.


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Author Biographies

Ana Jorge Alonso, University of Málaga

Her general line of research deals with the relations between communication and power from a critical perspective, and at the same time explores the line of women’s studies. The publication in 2004 of her book on Women in the media and public television (Mujeres en los medios, mujeres de los medios. Imagen y presencia femenina en las televisiones públicas: Canal Sur TV), by the Icaria publishing house, of great tradition in the field of gender issues, has become an important reference in the gender studies repositories of several international universities and institutions. Former coordinator, between 2003 and 2009, of the Doctoral Programme in Communication and Power of the University of Malaga, where she is in charge of the teaching and research line in Women’s Studies in Communication.

Guest researcher, in 2005, at the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, working on communication as one of the vertices of the power relations between centre and periphery, in which the Mediterranean occupies a peripheral place in the production of messages. This study stems from a research award granted by Andalusia’s Film Library to examine the degree of penetration of American multinational film companies in the Spanish and Andalusian cinema markets.

Her work on the generation of knowledge on the aspects that limit the material conditions for the exercise of the right to equality in communicative processes has expanded her research interest towards migration and cooperation. Currently working in various cooperation projects, both in education and research, in several Latin American countries. The conjugation of communication for development with gender mainstreaming is the framework of the first research stay (2006) in La Paz (Bolivia) at the Simón Bolívar Andean Universidad and the Higher University of San Andrés; with which she continues to work through its Centre for Research and Postgraduate Studies in Science for Development (CIDES).

Currently analysing the information treatment of violence against women, on which she has published six works including, Violencia y medios de comunicación. El tratamiento de la violencia contra las mujeres en los informativos de TV. La proximidad al hecho (“Violence and the media. Treatment of violence against women in TV news. The proximity to the event”), of Lourdes Rivilla (2010).

Participant in the project of excellence of the Government of Andalusia: “Observatory of the information treatment of gender-based violence, with emphasis in ethnic and cultural identity”. Director, during two years, of the project “Gender-based violence: communicative strategies and practices for the empowerment of women” in collaboration with the Women’s University Institute of the San Carlos University of Guatemala.  

Currently involved in the research project of the R&D National Plan, titled “Research system of social practices of communication in Spain. Map of projects, groups, lines, objects of study and methods” (MapCom)” (2013-47933-C4-3-P).

Rocío de la Maya Retamar, University of Málaga

PhD degree in Communication from the University of Malaga and BA degree in Image Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Since 1994, Professor at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the School of Communication Sciences of the University of Malaga, developing her research work on the field of audiovisual media, from content production to new forms of digital distribution and exhibition and women’s studies.

Member of the Advisory Commission of Valuation of aids for the development of projects for feature films, television fiction productions, animation films and animated series of the Government of Andalusia. Member of the Expert Panel of OCUPATIC, the online lookup tool designed to meet the training needs of the audiovisual-ICT hyper-sector in Andalusia.

Marcial García López, University of Málaga

PhD degree in Information Sciences and BA degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid. Professor at the University of Malaga, School of Communication Sciences. Leader of the “Communication and Power” Research Group, recognised by the Government of Andalusia (Code: SEJ-390).

Coordinator of the COMSOLIDAR Solidary Communication project. His main research line is communication for social change, on which he has published several works, including the books Comunicación y Cultura de Paz (“Communication and Peace Culture”)and El papel de la universidad en los procesos de comunicación y cooperación para el desarrollo social y humano (“The university’s role in the processes of communication and cooperation for human and social development”), and the articles Repensar la comunicación para la paz y la solidaridad desde lo participativo. Claves y propuestas(“Rethinking communication for peace and solidarity from the perspective of participation. Keys and proposals”), Las marcas y la seducción del activismo(“Brands and the seduction of activism”), and La comunicación como escenario de empoderamiento ciudadano y para la construcción colectiva de cultura de paz. Pensando otra publicidad social (“Communication as a stage for citizen empowerment and the collective construction of culture of peace. Thinking of another social advertising”).

Participant in research projects, including “Evaluation and indicators of moral sensibility in the current communication of social movements” and “Ecologies of learning in multiple contexts: analysis of expanded education and formation of citizenship projects”, financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and coordinated by Eloísa Nos and Juan Bautista Martínez, respectively.


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How to Cite

Jorge Alonso, A., de la Maya Retamar, R. ., & García López, M. (2016). Information treatment of gender-based violence in Andalusian public television. Breach of the code of ethics by Canal Sur. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 994–1006.


