How do they look? How come? Discriminate in the construction sector




Discrimination at work, social beliefs, mass media, stereotypes, prejudices


Violence against women takes place not only in situations of armed conflict or natural disaster. It is also present in normalised contexts, and specifically in the workplace, in both symbolic and direct ways, and with devastating psychosocial consequences. Methods: This article examines the social image and self-image of women employed in the construction sector, based on the content analysis of two specialised newspapers and in-depth interviews with managers (11 women and 16 men). Results and conclusions: The representation of women managers in newspapers specialised in construction is non-existent. The analysis of their self-perception suggests that women managers do not perceive gender-based barriers in their career access and development. In order to counteract gender-based discrimination, more improvements are required on the image of women managers that is projected by the media.


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Author Biographies

Trinidad Núñez Domínguez, University of Sevilla

Associate Professor in the Area of Social Psychology of the University of Seville. Thirty years of teaching experience, with more than eighteen years at the School of Communication, where she teaches in the BA degree programme in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication. Academic Secretary of the MA degree in Institutional and Political Communication. Former Vice-Dean of Academic Planning and Faculty at the School of Communication.

Has taken part in nearly a dozen of competitive research projects related to media studies, socialisation and gender. Her scientific production has received 632 citations, reaching an H-index of 12 and an i10 index of 13. Winner of the 2013 Meridiana Prize to initiatives that promote the value of equality in young people, awarded by the Government of Andalusia. Winner of the XX Premio Carmen de Burgos to feminist dissemination, awarded by the University of Malaga (Andalusia-Spain). Winner of the 2015 Mujer Prize, awarded by the City Council of Seville to career trajectory and social involvement.

The more recent books in which she has participated as academic editor are: “La transversalidad de género en el audiovisual andaluz”; “La violencia machista en el cine”; “Directoras de cine español. Ayer, hoy y mañana mostrando talentos” and “Competencias psicosociales para profesionales de los medios”

Some of her publications are available at her Google Scholar profile:

Mª Teresa Arenas-Molina, University of Sevilla

Associate Professor in the area of architectural buildings of the University of Seville. She has developed most of his teaching activity at the Higher Technical School of Building Engineering since 2000. Professor of building and restoration. She has also taught at the Construction Labour Foundation for more than five years.

She is a Building engineer and has more than eighteen years of professional experience. Businesswoman in the construction sector for more than six years, although her main activity is site management, working for Seville’s Municipal Housing Company, the Development and Housing Council and others private developers.

PhD by the University of Seville in 2014. Her research activity focuses on gender studies in relation to the construction sector. She is currently working with Trinidad Núñez Domínguez and José Maria Calama Rodríguez, to investigate the barriers in women’s access to managing positions in the construction sector in Spain.

Maria Elena Villar Maria Elena Villar, Florida International University

Is associate professor and chair of the Department of Communication at the School of Communication + Journalism at Florida International University and teaches courses in communication theory, research methods, multicultural communication, and advanced seminars in strategic communications. She holds a doctorate in communications and master's in public health from the University of Miami, and a bachelor's degree in economics from Columbia University. Her research focuses on culturally competent communication for social and behavioral change, and on strategic communication for diverse audiences. In her career as a researcher, Dr. Villar has focused on diverse topics that range from culture and communication, social determinants of disease and health, domestic and sexual violence prevention, stigma related to HIV, mental health and drug abuse, evaluation of program outcomes, and communication for social change. She helped found the student-run faculty supervised strategic communication agency, BOLD, and has taken groups of students on summer abroad programs to Berlin, Germany and Seville, Spain. She has been an invited lecturer for graduate programs at Universidad del Norte in Colombia and Universidad Americana in Nicaragua.


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How to Cite

Núñez Domínguez, T. ., Arenas-Molina, M. T., & Maria Elena Villar, M. E. V. (2016). How do they look? How come? Discriminate in the construction sector. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 976–993.


