Violent and dangerous macho men. The figure of the male batterer in Almodóvar’s cinema




Macho violence, masculinity, Almodóvar, machismo, patriarchy, Almodovarian cinema


Violence against women is an act performed by men to reaffirm their masculinity and impose their hegemony by force. This article presents the results of a study of gender-based violence in Almodóvar’s films, focused on the figure of the male batterer, not the victims, the female characters. Methods. The study is based on two complementary analytical models: 1) a model of visual semiotic analysis from the perspective of gender studies, and 2) the quantification of the types of abuses carried out by male characters in Almodóvar’s filmography, as well as the factors that define these archetypes. Results and conclusions. Within the amalgam of masculinities portrayed in Almodóvar’s films, there are different types of male characters who commit violence against women through harassment, rape and murder.


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Author Biographies

Antonio A. Caballero Gálvez , Rovira i Virgili University

Antonio A. Caballero Gálvez holds a PhD degree in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and a Master’s degree in Cultural Management. Professor at the Department of Communication Studies of the Rovira i Virgili University. Adviser of the inter-university Master’s degree programme in Cultural Management of the Open University of Catalonia and the University of Girona. Member of the editorial team of the Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies (Intellect Ldt.). His research work focuses on the representations of masculinities in contemporary audiovisual media, queer theory and the visual representation of gender identities. He carried out a pre-doctoral research stay at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and a post-doctoral research stay at the Higher University of San Andrés (La Paz, Bolivia), as part of the Santander JPI scholarship programme. Former researcher at Andalucía’s Observatory of gender-based violence in audiovisual media (Excellence Project of the Government of Andalucía and the University of Málaga), and the permanent inter-disciplinary research seminar on Gender, Aesthetics and Audiovisual Culture (GECA and Complutense University of Madrid). Guest professor at the Department of Hispanic Languages & Literature – Stony Brook SUNY (New York). Author of articles in ICONO14Arte y políticas de identidad and Journal de Comunicación Social (UCB-SP & Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung).

Francisco A. Zurian Hernández, Complutense University of Madrid

Francisco A. Zurian is Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Complutense University of Madrid. Leader of the Research Group on Gender, Aesthetics and Audiovisual Culture (GECA). His research work focuses on film theory and aesthetics; audiovisual media; audiovisual culture y cultural studies of gender, sexuality and feminism; women, men, masculinities and LGBTIQ studies; fictional scriptwriting and audiovisual narrative; storytelling; cinema, television and contemporary Spanish culture. Author of more than one hundred academic publications, including books, book chapters and journal articles. Leader of several funded research projects related to issues of gender, sexuality, aesthetics, audiovisual media, cinema, narrative and scriptwriting.


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How to Cite

Caballero Gálvez , A. A., & Zurian Hernández, F. A. (2016). Violent and dangerous macho men. The figure of the male batterer in Almodóvar’s cinema. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (71), 853–873.


