Institutional Education of Communication Researchers and Media Literacy. The case of the PhD in Communication Research




PhD, Communication, Research, Technology, Training, Media Literacy


The article analyzes the relevance and the need to educate, at a graduate level, future researchers in communication in Mexico, in areas such as educational processes and incorporating digital tools into the education process itself. Methodology.  The geopolitical context is explored along with the field and theoretical studies that gave rise to it. Also, a qualitative research evaluates how the media literacy variable has emerged as an essential curricular symptom, and its impact on the new characteristics of citizens. Results and Discussion: One of the primary skills required in a communication researcher is the efficient management of technology and innovation. This has required the incorporation of media literacy as content in seminars, as a transversal object in the education of researchers, as well as in the production of new scientific advances in communication.


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Author Biographies

Rebeca-Illiana Arévalo-Martínez, Anahuac University

PhD in Applied Communication by the Universidad Anáhuac. Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI), Level I, of the National Council of Science and Technology (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT) in Mexico.

Full-time lecturer of the School of Communication and Researcher at the Research Center for Applied Communication (Centro de Investigación para la Comunicación Aplicada, CICA) of the Universidad Anáhuac, in the field of: Institutional, organizational and communication studies. Thesis supervisor, tutor and lecturer in the PhD program in Communication Research (Doctorado en Investigación de la Comunicación, DEIC).

Her most recent publications include the book chapters: Liderazgo en comunicación integral y capital de las organizaciones (Leadership in integral communication and capital of organizations)(2016) ISBN 978-607-7652-70-0; Ética y violencia en los contenidos de entretenimiento (Ethics and violence in entertainment contents) (2015) ISBN 978-607-7652-62-5; Procesos educativos y de entretenimiento en la ética: retos para los parques temáticos (Educational processes and entertainment in ethics: challenges for theme parks) (2015) ISBN 978-607-7652-53-3; Key leadership challenges and factors in Public Relations and Communications in Mexico (2014) ISBN 978-0-415-71091-6 (hbk); Perspectiva de los programas educativos de comunicación y periodismo en América Latina  (Perspective of educational programs in communication and journalism in Latin America) (2013) ISBN 978-607-95703-7-8. Author and co-author of articles in scientific journals and scientific posters, speaker in national and international research and academic events.

In charge of editorial projects at Red Internacional de Investigación y Consultoría en Comunicación (RIICC). Evaluator of the Consejo de Acreditación de la Comunicación (CONAC). Member of Asociación Mexicana de Investigadores de la Comunicación (AMIC)

Rogelio Del Prado-Flores, Anahuac University

PhD (honours) degree granted by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.  Member of the National System of Researchers (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, SNI), Level I, of the National Council of Science and Technology (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT) in Mexico.

Full-time lecturer in the School of Communication and Researcher at the Research Center for Applied Communication (Centro de Investigación para la Comunicación Aplicada, CICA) of the Universidad Anáhuac, in the field of research: Social reality, public policies, technology and communication.

Alfonso Caso medal awarded by UNAM’s Commission for Academic Merit for being the most distinguished student in the Graduate Degree in Philosophy in the academic year 2004. Master’s degree in Philosophy (honours) granted by UNAM, Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy granted by UNAM. He is currently conducting a Postdoctoral fellowship in Ethics of Communication at the Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, in agreement with the Universidad Anáhuac. Thesis director, tutor and teacher lecturer in the PhD program in Communication Research (Doctorado en Investigación de la Comunicación, DEIC). Publications: (2016) Políticas para la justicia y la comunicación. Más allá del pragmatismo y la deconstrucción. (Policies for justice and communication. Beyond pragmatism and deconstruction). Editorial Limusa (2014); Coordinator of the book Ética y Redes Sociales (Ethics and Social Networks), Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch (2016); Coordinator of the book Ética y los derechos de las audiencias (Ethics and the rights of audiences), Editorial, Tirant Lo Blanch; (2016). Joint coordinator of the book De la teoría a la práctica  (From theory to practice), Editorial Universidad Anáhuac.

Rafael-Tonatiuh Ramírez-Beltrán, Anahuac University

PhD in Public Administration.  Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI), Level I, of the National Council of Science and Technology (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT) in Mexico.

Full-time lecturer in the School of Communication and Researcher at the Research Center for Applied Communication (Centro de Investigación para la Comunicación Aplicada, CICA) of the Universidad Anáhuac, in the field of research: Social reality, public policies, technology and communication.

He is the author of the books: Malthus entre Nosotros, Discursos Ambientales y la Política Demográfica en México 1990 a 1995 (Malthus among us, environmental speeches and demographic policies in Mexico, 1990 to 1995); Cine y educación 1. La vida es mejor que la escuela (Movies and education 1. Life is better than school); Con el gis en la mano (With a chalk on one hand); Educación ambiental: aproximaciones y reintegros (Environmental education: approximations and compensations); Maestra vida: educación y cine (Life as a teacher: education and movies); Globalización, cine y educación (Globalization, movies and education); Cine y Ética: manual para estudiantes Universitarios del siglo XXI y Desarrollo Sustentable (Movies and Ethics: guidelines for college students in the twenty first century and Sustainable development); El maestro equivocado (The wrong teacher); La mar y el ancla (The sea and the anchor); Claroscuro (Chiaroscuro); Cine y Educación Ambiental (Movies and Environmental Education), and Educación ambiental en la formación docente en México. Resistencia y Esperanza (Environmental education in teacher training in Mexico. Resistance and Hope). He has published more than 250 articles on Education, Environment and Environmental Education at the national level, in journals such as Básica, Caminos AbiertosEducación 2001, SintAxis, Veneno y Palído.deluz, etc.  He coordinated the Sep-Conacyt education research: Communication competencies in elementary text books (1994) and conducted the research entitled De Ética y Cine: la visión de los maestros (Ethics and movies: the teachers’ vision) (2008).


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How to Cite

Arévalo-Martínez, R.-I., Del Prado-Flores, R. ., & Ramírez-Beltrán, R.-T. (2016). Institutional Education of Communication Researchers and Media Literacy. The case of the PhD in Communication Research. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 800–817.


