Electoral blocks in Spain. A proposal of alternative model to overcome the conflict





mass-media, politics, elections, political-information, television, audiovisual


The relationship between mass media and political powers is always closely observed because it is about two fundamental powers for the satisfactory functioning of the democracy.  In Spain (1983) began a practice during election campaigns: informative blocks fee, which still lingers today. It is the only democratic country of the first world that restricts the freedom of information, since one political organ (the Electoral Central Council) who controls the electoral information of public service broadcasters applying propaganda instead of journalist’s criteria. This practice weakens the democratic system and feeds the perception that the public mass-media do not accomplish the role of free and truthful reporting. Methodology: The research analyzes and compares the legislation of a dozen European countries on this subject to observe the different solutions provided. On the other hand, we proceeded to make a fifty interviews with experts (professionals, politicians and regulators) in order to obtain the minimum consensual elements. Results and conclusions. Finally, we propose a replacement model that will overcome the current conflict.


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Author Biographies

Joaquín Marqués-Pascual, University of Barcelona

Doctor in Communication (cum laude) from the Universitat Ramon Llull. Lawyer and political scientist (UOC). Professor of ESRP-UB (Journalistic Writing) and Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona (Political Marketing). Principal Investigator of the Research Group on political communication (CompolWatch), integrated ACCIEP where is a founding member. It is also associate DIRCOM and member of the editorial board of the Journal of ACOP. His latest book is: Politics and Propaganda. Media and Public Opinion (UOC editions). His research is focused around the intersection of the relationship between the media (Media) and political science (Movements. Social / Public Opinion), focused on providing specific solutions to social needs.

Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón, Pompeu Fabra University

Doctor in Journalism (cum laude), he is currently a professor in the Department of Communication of the Pompeu Fabra University and of the Department of Business of the University of Girona. He is principal investigator of the Research Group on Digital Journalism and Broadband. Member of the CompolWatch research group. He has published numerous books and indexed scientific articles on communication, telecommunications and social sciences. He is the director of the Center for Cable Studies (CECABLE) and has received various awards for his scientific activity. H index: 10.

Clara de-Uribe-Gil, University of Vic

Doctor cum laude in Advertising and Public Relations (UAB). Degree in Contemporary History (UAB). Master in Community Manager (UA). Degree in Business Communication (UPF). Diploma in Future Search Conference and Chaos Management (Brattleboro USA). Professor of Public Relations of the UVic-Universitat Central de Catalunya. Associate professor of the School Superior of RP (UB). Associate Professor of Online Education (UOC). Specialist group cohesion and knowledge management. Member of Research Emprèn (Uvic-UCC) and political communication CompolWatch (ACCIEP). Focuses its research in public relations and corporate communications

Marc Perelló-Sobrepere Marc Perelló-Sobrepere, Abat Oliba CEU University

BA in Journalism (UAO). Master in Social Studies (UAO). PhD in Communication. Currently he is an associate professor at the UAO and UIC. Communications consultant. Member of the 'Digital Journalism Research and Broadband' groups and 'CompolWatch' (ACCIEP). Its main activity as a researcher has focused in recent times about digital communication, especially focusing on massive social networks and political use.


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How to Cite

Marqués-Pascual, J. ., Fondevila-Gascón, J.-F., de-Uribe-Gil, C., & Marc Perelló-Sobrepere, M. P.-S. (2016). Electoral blocks in Spain. A proposal of alternative model to overcome the conflict. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 654–667. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2016-1114


