Transmedia narrative and cognitive perception of TVE’s drama series El Ministerio del Tiempo




Audiovisual fiction, transmedia narratives, media entertainment, empathy, cognitive evaluation


This article analyses TVE’s drama series El Ministerio del tiempo to determine whether greater knowledge about this TV series, and the use of social networks and multimedia resources influence viewers’ perception of the series. Methods: The analysis is based on the information provided by 124 viewers through a questionnaire based on a character identification scale. Results: It was concluded that greater knowledge of the TV series and the use of transmedia storytelling increases viewers' identification with the series’ fictional characters, although this only applies in the items with greater emotional or sentimental charge. Discussion: The results indicate that the findings are not applicable to the cognitive evaluation of the most loyal viewers of the series. Conclusions: Based on the results, it can be affirmed that transmedia contents influence viewers’ rational and emotional responses. Prior knowledge of the series and the use of transmedia storytelling extend the relationship between viewers and the TV series beyond occasional enjoyment.


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Author Biographies

Sebastián Sánchez Castillo, University of Valencia

PhD degree from the University of Valencia (Spain) and Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication and Art History. Assistant Professor (qualified as Full Professor) at the University of Valencia.

He has combined his professional work in television with university teaching. His teaching activity focuses on television production, audiovisual production and editing technologies, as well as screenwriting and development of interactive narratives.

Author of 23 research papers indexed in the most important data bases, 3 books and a large number of national and international conferences.

His research lines and scientific publications are directly related to the courses he teaches: audiovisual persuasion, communication technologies and audiovisual language.

He has carried out research stays in Argentina, Chile, the UK (University of Kent), as well as several Spanish universities.

Esteban Galan, Jaume I University

Assistant Professor (qualified as Full Professor) at the Jaume I University of Castelló. With proven experience in teaching, researching, and audiovisual production.

His line of research focuses on the study of digital audiovisual production tools. His research works are applied and are based on the knowledge of the audiovisual industry.

His triple facet as professional, teacher and researcher allows him to maintain a close relationship with the audiovisual sector and to transfer knowledge and experience between the professional and academic fields.

Author of 7 scientific papers (2008-2014) published in journals such as Revista Latina de Comunicación SocialHistoria y Comunicación Social and Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, and IN-RECS.

Author of the book Televisión en Virtual (“Virtual Television”) (2008), which was published by the Official Institute of Spanish Radio and Television and an important source of reference on the use of virtual set design and real-time graphics on television, on research, doctoral theses, specialised publications and educational projects.

Co-author of the “Dictionary of audiovisual concepts and terms” (2015), which was published by Cátedra, as part of its “Sign and Image” collection, and has become an essential source of for scholars and researchers of image.

Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication (2002) from the Cardenal Herrera-CEU University, with most outstanding graduate award (Premio extraordinario de fin de Carrera) and 3rd place winner of the 2003 National Media Award.

He received his PhD degree in 2007, with Cum Laude honours. He became a Full time professor in 2015. Member of the ITHACA-UJI research group since 2009 and of the “GIRTEC” international research group since 2012.

He has worked as teacher and researcher in four public and private universities from the Valencian Community and in all of them he has had the opportunity to apply his knowledge as a professional specialist in audiovisual production.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Castillo, S., & Galan, E. . (2016). Transmedia narrative and cognitive perception of TVE’s drama series El Ministerio del Tiempo. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 508–526.


