New Social Movements, the Use of ICTs, and Their Social Impact




New social movements, communication technologies, social change, technocracy


The following work is an analysis of new social movements and the use of new technologies from the perspective of political philosophy. It stems from the results obtained in the dissertation “New Social Movements and the Use of ICTs: Case Studies,” presented at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid as part of the Communication, Social Change and Development program. While it is true that these movements have existed for a long time, new digital technologies allow for political agendas and proposals to increase in visibility, scope and dissemination. The “know-how” of these new movements and their ability to drive social transformation are expressions of a framework made up of different strategies to those proposed by traditional groups framed by political parties. The methods employed by civic action require a natural flow of information which political parties cannot reproduce. Symbolic resources and expressions of sentiments and emotions play a crucial role in structuring a new form of language and a different way of being. The implications are important, not only in terms of mass media and politics, but also in terms of social change.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Flores Morador, Lund University

He is currently Associate Professor in History of Ideas and Sciences at the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences in Lund University, where he is a lecturer and tutor in the areas of philosophy and history of ideas.

He is a philosopher, historian of ideas, writer and professor. His line of work is phenomenology and his most important research is in the area of broken technologies, a development of the Philosophy of Technologies.

He is also a founding member of the Latin American Virtual University (UVLA) and the Network of Latin American Humanists.

Judith Cortés Vásquez, Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Querétaro Campus

She is currently a full-time professor at the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Queretaro.

She is an expert in the areas of new social movements, new technologies and organizational communication. 

She has a PhD in ‘Communication, Social Change and Development’, from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid; a master’s degree in Organizational Communication from the Centro Avanzado de Comunicación, México (CADEC); and a degree in Social Communication from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá.

She is also a member of Grupo de Investigación Mediación Dialéctica de la Comunicación.


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How to Cite

Flores Morador, F., & Cortés Vásquez, J. (2016). New Social Movements, the Use of ICTs, and Their Social Impact. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 398–412.


