Spanish University Radio Stations’ Own Content Programming: Ondacampus, UPV Radio, Uniradio Jaén, Radio Universidad and RUAH




Radio, Public University, Third Sector, Programming, Public Service


The objective of this study is to analyse the programming grids of the university radio stations in the field of Spanish public education, which are already part of the internet environment, in order to try to demonstrate that their contents are especially for educational and cultural purposes, in accordance with the objectives pursued by such institutions. Methodology.The research conducted a content analysis of radio station programming with an extensive record of variables that formed the basis of further analysis. Results. This work allows us to point out the minor differences in regard to new contents, from public service and with new formats that these stations have currently and the limited use made of the resources granted to them by ICTs during the designing and creation of new formats. Conclusions. It also allows us to conclude that these stations should increase the supply of educational and training content in order to position and distinguish themselves more from private radios with general interest or thematic programming.


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Author Biographies

María Peña Mónica Pérez Alaejos, University of Salamanca

Mª de la Peña Mónica Pérez Alaejos holds a PHD in Communication from the University of Salamanca and is Vice-Dean for Students and Academic and Cultural Dissemination in the Faculty of Social Sciences of that same University.

She entered the Department of Sociology and Communication in 1999, after having graduated in both these disciplines. Since then she has taught courses in Radio Production, Radio Genres, Screenplays, Radio Documentation and Production, and Radio Workshop. She is currently employed as Associate Professor in that Department and has also held the post of its Academic Secretary for two years.

Her teaching experience goes beyond the undergraduate courses as she has taught several post-graduate courses in the Master’s Degree in Science, Technology and Society and in the School for Legal Practice.

At the University of Salamanca she has also taught part of the Master’s Degree program for Teachers of Secondary and Upper Secondary Schools since its creation, and is a faculty member of the Master’s Degree in Research in Audiovisual Communication (MUICA).

Among her research works is her doctoral thesis based on television political content during election campaigns, which received a grade of Excellent cum laude, and which resulted from an R+D project financed by Spain’s Ministry of Education, and directed by Professor Ismael Crespo.

In relation to that topic she has published a chapter of the book entitled Las campañas electorales y sus efectos en la decisión del voto (Electoral Campaigns and their Effect on Voting Decisions) together with Professor Pablo del Rio, with whom she worked on previous research studies.

She has participated in several international projects and her experience led to her being named a Research Fellow of the Observatory of Audiovisual Contents directed by Professor Juan José Igartua and to her participation in several R+D projects.

She is currently a founding member of GRIC (acronym in Spanish for the Recognized Research Group in Creative, Cultural and Communication Industries) headed by Professor Marta Fuertes. Without leaving aside her research in the field of radio, she is also currently working on topics involving political communication and cultural industries.

She also directs the Degree offered by the University of Salamanca in Business Management and the Bullfighting Industry, the first of its kind in the Spanish university system, and it links her teaching career with her other research line in Bullfighting Economics & Culture.

Marta Martín-Valiente, University of Salamanca

Marta Martín Valiente holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Salamanca and a Master’s Degree in Marketing and Digital Publicity from Antonio de Nebrija University, where she also received the Academic Award for the Best Academic Record of the 2014/2015 graduating class of the School of Communication.

While studying Audiovisual Communication at the University of Salamanca, she worked as a Fellow in its university radio station, performing tasks of writing, voice reading, and technical control.

She has collaborated with the radio station of the University of Valladolid in the production of several of its programs.

She composes music and has received diverse artistic awards for this activity. Some of her compositions have been used in fictional productions by national television networks.

She also works as a SEO consultant for the Seoestudios Marketing Online agency, in charge of onpage and offpage SEO web positioning strategies, as well as content marketing strategies for clients in the contexts of small and medium enterprises at both national and international level.

Marina Hernández-Prieto, University of Salamanca

Marina Hernández Prieto is adjunct professor in the area of Audiovisual Communication and Publicity, and a founding member of GRIC (acronym in Spanish for the Recognized Research Group in Creative, Cultural and Communication Industries) headed by Professor Marta Fuertes.

She received her PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Salamanca in 2015, having graduated in Audiovisual Communication from that same University in 2006 and having received the Grade of Salamanca Mention for academic year 2008-2009. Her doctoral thesis, entitled “Políticas Públicas de Comunicación y Cultura. Estudio comparativo de las legislaciones audiovisuales de Argentina y España” (Public Polices of Communication and Culture. A Comparative Study of Audiovisual Legislation in Argentina and Spain), was written under the direction of Dr. Ángel Badillo Matos.

Between 2009 and 2013 she was a recipient of the University of Salamanca Teacher Training Program, financed by the Santander Group. She is a member of the team working on the research project entitled “Diversidad de la industria audiovisual en la era digital” (Diversity in the Audiovisual Industry in the Digital Age), within the frame of the State R+D+I Program for Challenges to Society of Spain’s Ministry of Finance and Competitiveness.

Her main line of research is focused on the study of public policies in regard to communication from the perspective of political economy.


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How to Cite

Peña Mónica Pérez Alaejos, M. ., Martín-Valiente, M. ., & Hernández-Prieto, M. . (2016). Spanish University Radio Stations’ Own Content Programming: Ondacampus, UPV Radio, Uniradio Jaén, Radio Universidad and RUAH. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (71), 287–308.


