The promotion of democracy in political cartoons. The themes of cartoons in the Basque newspaper Egin (1977)




Democratisation, graphic humour, press, local identity, critical view, artistic production


This article aims to identify the different themes explored in the comic strips published by the Basque newspaper Egin (1977/98) during its first year of operations. This nationalist newspaper had a great impact on the Basque society during the Spanish transition to democracy because it was the first left-wing publication in the Basque Country and because it devoted a whole page to graphic humour. Method. The study is based on the thematic analysis of the comic strips published in the entertainment section of the aforementioned newspaper throughout 1977. Quantitative techniques were used to identify and measure the frequency of occurrence of the diversity of issues and themes. Results and conclusions. The results show the clear preference of cartoonists for issues related to the promotion of democracy, as well as the existence of an opposition within the premises of traditional Basque nationalism against the new form of nationalism promoted by leftist movements.


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Author Biographies

Aitor Castañeda Zumeta, University of the Basque Country

Aitor Castañeda is a researcher fellow hired through the research training programme of the Department of Education, Language Policy and Culture of the Basque Government. He is currently working on a PhD thesis about graphic humour in the Basque press during the democratic transition. His areas of knowledge are social communications and education planning and organisation. Since 2014, he is part of the "City, Communication and Culture (CCC XXI) research group of the University of the Basque Country (see:

He has participated in the 5th and 6th editions of the Latina Conference on Social Communication, having presented four papers in different work-groups and having participated as moderator of one working group proposed by himself and Paula Pineda Martinez (ICT for innovation and excellence in education).

The list of his academic publications, research projects and collaborations in the press is available at his website:

Paula, University of the Basque Country

Paula Pineda-Martínez is a passionate about corporate communications and public relations. She has a BA in Communications and Public Relations from the UPV/EHU with an extraordinary prize upon graduation. She has also a Master in Social Communications from the same university. She currently works as Researcher at the School of Communications (UPV/EHU) with the Basque Governments Pre-Doctoral Scholarship Program. Her research lines are focused on studying the involvement and dialogue with publics, organizational communications and new media. Despite her short career, she has written several chapters for books and articles related to communication. She has also participated as a speaker in professional forums and national and international conferences. She is also part of EU Kids Online, a multi-national thematic research network aims to stimulate and coordinate investigation into the use of new media by children, funded by the European Commission, co-funded by the Spanish Government at Spain, and supported by the London School of Economics.


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How to Cite

Castañeda Zumeta, A. ., & Paula. (2016). The promotion of democracy in political cartoons. The themes of cartoons in the Basque newspaper Egin (1977). Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (71), 232–248.


