Digital strategic communication in Ecuador’s public organisations Current state and future projection




Ecuador, digital media, public organisations, strategic communication, public communication


This article analyses how the digital revolution has forced Ecuador’s public organisations to redesign their strategies in order to promote their services and interact with citizens. Method: The study follows a non-experimental, exploratory and descriptive approach based on a questionnaire survey applied to the chief communications officers of 52 public institutions. Results: The main findings are related to the structure of the communication departments of public institutions; the stage of development of public organisations in the design of social media strategies; the social networks and resources most commonly used by public institutions; and the tools used to measure their effectiveness. Discussion: The results indicate that public organisations need to professionalise their social media management team and to elevate their relationship with citizens to a strategic level. Conclusions: It is necessary to generate a professional strategy and structure to improve the management of social media.


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Author Biographies

Carlos V. Granda Tandazo, Private Technical University of Loja

PhD student in Communication and Journalism from the University Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Author of articles published in RedmarkaMateria PrimaCISCI and Razón y Palabra.

Co-author of the book: investigate communication in Loja-Ecuador. Co-author of the book titled Comunicación estratégica en las organizaciones (“Strategic communication in organisations”), edited by Latina. Member of the research project titled “Observatory of Strategic Communication in Ecuador” funded by the Private Technical University of Loja.

Current director of institutional projects of the Private Technical University of Loja. His research lines are: city brand, brand/branding, digital brand, social networks management, corporate/strategic communication.

Fanny Y. Paladines Galarza, Private Technical University of Loja

PhD in Communication and Journalism from the University Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Author of articles published in Palabra ClaveMateria PrimaLatinaRazón y PalabraRedmarkaCISCIAISTI, and Signo y Pensamiento. Author of two book chapters on communication research in Loja-Ecuador.

Editor of the book titled Comunicación estratégica en las organizaciones (“Strategic communication in organisations”), edited by Latina. Publication in the Yearbook of media companies of Ecuador.

Coordinator of the BA degree programme in Public Relations and Director of the the research project titled “Observatory of Strategic Communication in Ecuador” funded by the Private Technical University of Loja.

Her research lines are: brand/branding, digital brand, social networks management, traditional and digital corporate/strategic communication.

Andrea V. Velásquez Benavides, Private Technical University of Loja

Full Professor of Marketing and Advertising at the Private Technical University of Loja (Ecuador). PhD student in Communication and Creative Industries at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

MA in Communication and Creative Industries at the same University.
Her lines of research are: media consumption, reception, audiences, digital branding, and media competencies.


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How to Cite

Granda Tandazo, Carlos V., Fanny Y. Paladines Galarza, and Andrea V. Velásquez Benavides. 2016. “Digital strategic communication in Ecuador’s public organisations Current state and future projection”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 71 (February):211-31.


