Literacy media and social integration of the elderly prison population




Media, prisons, elderly population, accessibility, self-representation, cultural diversity


Prisons gradually reflect the process of population ageing that lives society. Without specific consideration in the current prison system, the elderly prison population lives a double ostracism in which, the isolation of the media contrasts with a world full of screens, reinforcing the difficulties of a future social reintegration. The campUSCulturae Project, coordinated from the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, has launched initiatives for media literacy at Teixeiro Prison (A Coruña) following the techniques of participant observation and service learning. These initiatives have resulted in the development of an Archive of Voices of the World, which reflects and put in value the flow of cultural diversity that lives within the walls of the prison; the development of a radio program and inculturation in the use of new media through the use of a personal poetic captured through a digital narratives initiative. The first results of this project demonstrate the power of the media in the recovery of dignity and self-representation dynamics; they stimulate the active participation, the development of critical awareness and recovery of personal memory as a symbolic form of reintegration of imprisoned people in the “sociedad meditática y multipantalla” (Pérez Tornero, 2008: 15) which they are also part even they are not enjoying because of prison’s exigencies.


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Author Biography

Xosé Antonio Neira Cruz, University of Santiago de Compostela

Xosé Antonio Neira Cruz, is a journalist, writer and professor of Journalism in the Department of Communication Sciences of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Doctor in Communication Sciences (2001) and Italian Philology (2015) by the University of Santiago de Compostela, in both cases with Outstanding cum Laude scores, Master in Premial Law by UNED (2013).

He performed study, teaching and research stays in the University of Bologna, in the International Jugendbibliothek of Munich, in the Biblioteque Nationale of France, in the Medicea Laurenziana Library and the Archivio di Stato di Firenze, as well as in the University of Lyon, Rio Grande do Norte, Iceland and Lodz (Poland).

Author and coordinator of the European Project campUSCulturae (, co-financed by the University of Santiago de Compostela and by the EACEA Culture Agency. He is part of the research group Novos Medios, of the Communication Sciences Department of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Besides his publications in the field of Communication Sciences and literary critics and analysis, he has written more than 30 works of literary creation, by which he was granted honors and national and international awards, such as the White Ravens by the Internationale Jugendbibliothek of Munich (three times), the IBBY Honour List, mention in the Los Mejores del Banco del Libro (the best publications of the the Book Bank) of Venezuela or the Award to the best foreign book published in 2008, by the Fundação Nacional do Livro Infantil e Juvenil (FNLIJ).

He was invited author in the Book Fair in Buenos Aires (2006), in the Salão do Livro (Book Fair) of Rio de Janeiro (2007), in the Book Fair of La Habana (2008), in the International Book Fair of Guadalajara, Mexico (2009) and in the Berlin Litteratur Festival (2009), among others.

Likewise, he has developed an intense labor as cultural manager, commissioner of expositions and international and national congresses, director of summer courses in the University of Santiago de Compostela, lecturer and director of literary collections.

He was a journalist for fifteen years in Galician media (La Voz de GaliciaGalicia InternacionalTempos Novos and Galicia Television).


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How to Cite

Neira Cruz, X. A. (2016). Literacy media and social integration of the elderly prison population. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (71), 197–210.


