Empirical analysis of the dynamics of remediation between television and the Internet in Spain: the discourses of users
Public television, second screen, participation, interactivity, InternetAbstract
This article analyses the possibilities for citizen participation that have emerged in the public sphere as a result of the remediation dynamics between television and the Internet, particularly regarding the expansion and convergence trends that are taking place in both media. In the current landscape, the rivalry between television and the Internet becomes evident in users’ consumption habits and discourses. Objectives: The article has two objectives: to identify Spanish people’s perception and consumption of television, in its traditional and modern formats and platforms, and to establish the extent to what Spanish people know about and use second screens and other interactive media. Methods: The study is based on a qualitative approach that involves four focus groups and two individual interviews. The opinions of a total of 26 people were taken into account in the study. Results and conclusions: With the exception of people over 65 years of age, expansion dynamics prevail over convergence dynamics among Spanish people. In other words, people have incorporated new platforms and devices (specially the Internet and the social web 2.0) to their consumption of traditional television, to the point that some people have substituted partially and even totally the traditional consumption format. However, people either do not know or do not use the interaction and participation mechanisms that broadcast television has incorporated.
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