The image use on Twitter during the 2015 municipal election campaign in Spain




Twitter, political communication, municipal elections, photography, framing


This article presents a research based on the use of images on Twitter by 36 competing candidates at the 2015 municipal elections in Spain. Methodology. The empirical research consists of a content analysis completed through a selection of variables drawn from a thorough literature review. Results. The interpretation of the fieldwork, which consisted of 388 graphic resources, has revealed the indexical character of the photographs of the candidates for mayor and the preponderance of personalization techniques.Discussion. The possibilities entail at the microblogging platform for a prolonged contact between leaders and citizens demonstrate the need to change the traditional interest towards the television and reflect now about the scope of social networks. Conclusions. A better use of graphic resources and political communication is possible on Twitter.


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Author Biographies

Raquel Quevedo Redondo, Valladolid University

Graduate in Journalism and Pre Doctorate Researcher, Quevedo works in the University of Valladolid under a contract for University Professors Training since 2014, besides being a member of a project called ‘El infoentretenimiento político en televisión e Internet. Formatos, audiencias y consecuencias en la comunicación política española’ (The political infoentertainment on television and Internet. Formats, audiences and consequences on Spanish political communication) (INFOPOLTNET), financed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.

Likewise, she develops scientific activities in two projects of teaching innovation, integrated in the research group 'NUTECO', acknowledged by the Castile and Leon Government in order to analyze the latest communication trends and has been accepted by the Università degli Studi di Milano (Italia), to perform a research stay on 2016.

Her research interests focus on the study of the feminization of politics and the new forms of politainment.

Marta Portalés Oliva, Autonomous University of Barcelona

She studied Bachelor of Audiovisual Communication in the University of Valencia between 2009 and 2013, she studied a year through the International Program in York University Toronto (Canada) and a year of Erasmus in the Johannes Gutenberg Universität of Maguncia (Germany).

After graduating from the Official Master of Research on Communication and Journalism in the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2014, she received a scholarship for Research Staff Training in order to perform the Doctorate on Journalism and Communication in that same university.

She belongs to the research group “Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación” (Communication and Education Cabinet). Her research interests focus on media alphabetization and the study of image.

Salomé Berrocal Gonzalo, Valladolid University

Doctor by the Complutense University of Madrid and Full Professor of Journalism at the University of Valladolid (Spain).

Coordinator of the Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and the Master’s degree in Communication Research as Historical and Social Agent of the University of Valladolid.

Director of GIR NUTECO (Research Group about New Trends in Communication acknowledged by the Government of Castile and León).

Visiting professor at University of California San Diego (2010) and the George Washington University (2011).

She wrote Análisis básico de la prensa diaria. Manual para aprender a leer periódicos (Basic analysis of the daily press. Manual to learn how to read newspapers) (1998) in collaboration with C. Rodríguez-Maribona. Author of Comunicación política y televisión. Definición de un marco teórico en la investigación electoral en televisión. Las elecciones legislativas de 1993 (Political communication and television. Definition of a theoretical framework in the electoral research in television. The legislative elections of 1993) (2001) and coordinated works such as Comunicación política en televisión y nuevos medios (Political communication on television and new media) (2003); Pasado, presente y futuro de la libertad de expresión (Past, present and future of the freedom of expression) (2004); and La investigación en periodismo político en el entorno de los nuevos medios (Research in political journalism in the new media environment) (2012) and she is also author of many articles published on impactful indexed journals.

Her research interests focus on political communication, with special interest on the analysis of political “infoentertainment”, social participation in political life, communication and public opinion, and sociology of communication.


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How to Cite

Quevedo Redondo, R. ., Portalés Oliva, M. ., & Berrocal Gonzalo, S. (2016). The image use on Twitter during the 2015 municipal election campaign in Spain. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (71), 85–107.




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