Media Treatment and analysis of political leadership in the local press during the 2015 regional elections in the Valencian Communiy




Political Journalism, Local Journalism, Valencian Community, leadership, elections, leadership, elections


The study of the 15M social movement, and then its transition into a political party like Podemos is of particular interest in different fields such as sociology, politics and also journalism. This is also the case regarding the emergence of Ciudadanos into the political and media arena, or the consolidation of a local political force like Compromís in Valencia. In this context, a study has been made of the media-opinion coverage of these political parties and other traditional parties in Valencia during the election campaign for the 2015 Regional Elections, which led to a change in government after twenty years with the Partido Popular in power. This study has been carried out within the framework of the national R+D Mediaflows project (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) and focuses on influence: who influences who, in what way and what are its effects. We focus on the flows that information circulates on, because this enables us to see how messages are translated and how agendas are combined in their attempt to influence the public. We aim to find out which are the most influential and which direction or directions the transmission of information flows in. The methodology includes two methods - quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative aspect is carried out using the framing theory to analyze speeches and contexts, and the qualitative aspect basically uses focus group tools and in-depth interviews. The main objective is to analyze the regional leadership of these parties in the traditional local press in this Community: in the province of Castellón, the newspaper Mediterráneo, from the Zeta group; in Alicante, the newspaper Información, from Prensa Ibérica group; and in the province of Valencia, the newspaper Las Provincias from Vocento group. This research serves as a means of comparing regional leaders’ presence and the analysis of their speeches in these local newspapers. Some are leaders of consolidated parties with years of experience in government, or they are members of the opposition parties; others are newcomers, but they are backed by vigorous political brands with high profile leaders like Pablo Iglesias or Albert Rivera.


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Author Biographies

José Luis González Esteban, University Miguel Hernández de Elche

Professor of Journalism and Deputy Vice Chancellor of International Relations at the University Miguel Hernández. He also teaches on the Master of Innovation in Journalism (MIP), and coordinates the subject: Journalism: content, product and service. Research interests: Political Communication - Public Opinion and journalistic production in the new media ecosystem.

He has also taught in Spain at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University, and the University of Castilla-La Mancha, and internationally he has also been guest professor at NCSU (North Carolina State University- USA), the Autonomous University of Baja California (Mexico), at the University of Wroclaw and the Wyzsza Szkola Filogiczna, also of Wroclaw (Poland).

He has published thirty books, book chapters and articles in scientific journals about communication with impact, and has directed three doctoral theses.

Guillermo López García, Universidad of Valencia

Professor of Journalism and lead researcher of R & D MediaFlows.  He is the author of numerous scientific publications, published as articles in academic journals, monographs and book chapters. He has been granted two six-year periods for research for 2000-2005 and 2006-2011.
He has been guest researcher at the Universities of Mainz, Paris 8, Paris Est, Virginia and Southern University of Chile. He is a regular contributor to various media on current affairs policy, is co-editor of the web portal Research interests: Political Communication and Cyberjournalism

Germán Llorca Abad, University of Valencia

Lecturer and Doctor in Audiovisual Communication, he has promoted and coordinated the digital news portal for 5 years. He was guest lecturer at Universität des Saarlandes in Germany, Universidad Austral, University de la Frontera and University of Playa Ancha in Chile and at the Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Estadual de Campinas and Pontíficia Universidade Católica of São Paulo, Brazil.

He is a member of the Research Group MediaFlows UVEG. Research areas: Digital Communication and Audiovisual Production

Carmen María López Rico, Miguel Hernánde University

She is currently technical editor of the Miguel Hernández Communication Journal, researcher in the R & D MediaFlows group (UV), and GICOV Group (UMH ).
As Political Communication Expert, she has published several papers on the news routines during election campaigns.

Research interests: Political Communication, media and public relations


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How to Cite

González Esteban, J. L. ., López García, G., Llorca Abad, G., & López Rico, C. M. (2015). Media Treatment and analysis of political leadership in the local press during the 2015 regional elections in the Valencian Communiy. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (70), 891–912.


