Newspaper design as a fundamental element of the tabloid press. An analysis of the causes of the closure of Claro newspaper




Press, sensationalism, newspaper models, design, Claro


This article aims to demonstrate the importance of newspaper design in the classification of the print press and particularly tabloid journalism, in which formal elements play a protagonist role. The study aims to examine one of the few attempts made in Spain to consolidate a tabloid newspaper of importance. In 1991, a strange alliance between German and Spanish publishers (Axel Springer and Prensa Española, respectively) resulted in the launch of the Claro newspaper, which aimed to become a large-scale national mass medium in Spain. Method: The study is based on the analysis of the graphic and typographic elements of a sample of the published copies of Claro, which highlights the structure of its front page and the protagonist role of the visual resources that are implicit to this press model. Results and conclusions: Claro fits perfectly the European tabloid press model, not only based on the type of information it offered but, above all, based on its structure and typographic elements. All these features make Claro a very representative example of the purest form of the tabloid press.


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Author Biographies

Laura González Diez, CEU San Pablo University

Laura González Díez is a Professor of journalistic design at the CEU San Pablo University of Madrid. She is the Director of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the School of Humanities and Communication Sciences. She is the leader of the emerging research group in Communication through Image and Design (ICOIDI). From 2007 to 2015, she was the Academic Secretary of the aforementioned department and the director of its “information-graphics and digital communication” section. She holds a PhD degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid.

Her research activity revolves around the design of periodical publications and the typographic evolution of Spanish newspapers and magazines. She has taught analysis of colour and typography in media design(2005-2015) in the PhD degree programme of the CEU San Pablo University. She has so far directed six PhD theses. At the CEU San Pablo University she directs the Photography, Editing and Design Conferences since 1995, and the Talking about design conferences since 2007. She is a member of the Designers Association of Madrid (DIMAD), the Spanish Association of Communication Research (AE-IC), and the Spanish Society of Journalism (SEP).

She has been a guest lecturer in various MA programmes related to the design of publications (Istituto Europeo di Design/IED), in MA programmes in Communication in Fashion and Beauty (TELVA & YO DONA), in MA programmes in Arts in Corporate Communication and in MA programmes in graphic design (TRACOR/USP-CEU).

Her most important publications include:
González Díez, L. & Pérez Cuadrado, P. (2001): Principios básicos de Diseño Periodístico. Editorial Universitas, S.A. pp.224. ISBN: 84-7991-115-8.

González Díez, L. & Pérez Cuadrado, P. (2007): 30 años de Diseño Periodístico en España (1976-2006). Editorial Zona Impresa, S.L., Madrid, pp.192. ISBN: 84-690-4688-3.

González Díez, L. & Pérez Cuadrado, P. (2014): La Gráfica del Deporte. CEU Ediciones, Madrid, pp. 196. ISBN: 978-84-15949-16-9.

González Díez, L. & Tabuenca Bengoa, M. (2015): “Madrid Tipográfico. Un recorrido ilustrativo por la rotulación de la Gran Vía”, in Arte y Ciudad. Revista de Investigación, n.7, UCM, Madrid, pp.27-46. e-ISSN: 2254-2930.  

González Díez, L. & Pérez Cuadrado, P. (2014): “La cabecera como signo de identidad del producto periódico: una aproximación teórico-práctica a los rótulos de la prensa diaria española en 2013”, in ICONO 14. Revista Científica de Comunicación y Tecnologías Emergentes. Icono14 Editorial. Asociación Científica de Investigación de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Comunicación, Madrid, pp.12-31. ISSN: 1697-8293/DOI: ri14.v12i1.637.

Heredia Echavarri, Mª A. & González Díez, L (2013): “La carencia de contexto escrito en la fotografía periodística: aproximación al uso del pie de foto en la prensa diaria chilena”, in Index.comunicación. Revista científica en el ámbito de la Comunicación Aplicada, nº3, URJC Ediciones, Madrid, pp.87-120. ISSN: 2174-1859.

González Díez, L. & Pérez Cuadrado, P. (2010): “‘La Moda elegante ilustrada’ y el ‘Correo de las Damas’, dos publicaciones especializadas en moda en el siglo XIX”, in DOXA Comunicación, Vol. VIII, CEU Ediciones, Madrid. pp.53-72. ISBN: 1696-019X.

Belén Puebla Martínez, Rey Juan Carlos University

Belén Puebla Martínez is a professor and researcher at the Rey Juan Carlos University. She holds a PhD degree in Communication Sciences and a BA degree in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication, both from the Rey Juan Carlos University.

She has taught various subjects in BA programmes in Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Advertising, and Business Administration and Elementary Education, at the Rey Juan Carlos University and the Complutense University of Madrid.

She has also taught communication research methods to teachers and researchers of the CEU San Pablo University. She has participated in several Spanish and international funded research projects.

Her research activity focuses on the study of Spanish TV series; the media, especially the press and television; analytical research methods in social communication, and the use of social networks as a form of communication, among other research lines.

She is the founder of the interdisciplinary research group “Visual, researching communication in Spain”, formed by young researchers.

Her most recent publications include:
Puebla, B. & Pérez Cuadrado, P. (2014): “Armando Guerra y el tratamiento de la cartografía en El Debate durante la Primera Guerra Mundial” in revista Historia y comunicación social, nº 19, pp. 61-78, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ISSN 1137-0734; ISSN-e 1988-3056.

Puebla, B., González Díez, L. & Pérez Cuadrado, P. (2015): “Las cabeceras de la prensa diaria como refuerzo de la identidad de marca en los periódicos deportivos españoles impresos y online” in Fonseca, Journal of communication, nº 10, pp. 50-78, Universidad de Salamanca, ISSN: 2172-9077

Puebla, B.; Carrillo, E. & Íñigo, A.I. (2012): Ficcionando. Series de televisión a la española, Madrid: Fragua.

Puebla, B.; Navarro, N. & Carrillo, E. (2015): Ficcionando en el siglo XXI. La ficción televisiva en España, Madrid: Icono 14.

Pérez Cuadrado, P. Puebla, B. &González Díez, L. (2015): “El cartógrafo que salvó un diario / The Mapmaker who Saved a Newpaper” in Errea, J. 22 Premios internacionales de infografía Malofiej, Navarra: Society for news design.

Thomas Birkner, University of Münster

Thomas Birkner, assistant professor (Akademischer Rat a. Z.) of communication at Westfälische Wilhelms-University, Germany, is author of books and articles on the history of newspaperism, the mediatisation of politics and theories of media change (co-editor).

His research interests include newspaperism research, communication theories, communication and sports and political communication.

He was recently guest professor for communication and newspaperism research at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich.

Mediatisation of politics. The European Journal of Communication, 30(4): 454-469.

Soccer players and their media-related behavior: A contribution on the mediatization of sports. Communication and Sport, Online First.

El Zollverein ibérico. Revista internacional de Historia de la Comunicación, 4(1), 75-97.

Journalismus, Medien, Öffentlichkeit als Beruf II. Medien und Zeit, 30(1).

Theorien des Medienwandels. Köln: Halem.

Pedro Pérez Cuadrado, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Pedro Pérez Cuadrado has been a professor and researcher at the Rey Juan Carlos University for 12 years. From 1995 to 2007, he was an associate professor at the School of Humanities and Communication Sciences of the CEU San Pablo University (Department of Audiovisual Communication and New Technologies. Information-graphics section).

Director of the aforementioned department in the academic years 2003-2004 and 2005-2006. He was also an associate professor of journalism at the School of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid from 1995 to 2003.
He holds a PhD degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and the José Antonio Artigas Foundation award to doctoral thesis, for his work titled: “Design, technology and production of El Sol newspaper (1990-1992)”.

He has directed the design departments of the following newspapers: La Verdad (Murcia, 1980-1982 and 1984-1986); Canarias 7 (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1982 and 1983); Información (Alicante, 1984); and La gaceta de los negocios (Madrid, 1989). He has also directed the production departments of El Sol (1990-1992) and La Información de Madrid (1994-1995).

He is the author of the original designs of Canarias 7 (in 1982 and 1989); Tribuna de Salamanca (1994, SND Award); the Galician Deporte Campeón (1995), and La Gaceta Regional de Salamanca (2001).

His research activity currently focuses on the development and application of colour to the press, as well as the evolution of typography and page layout in Spanish newspapers.

His most recent publications include:
Puebla, B. & Pérez Cuadrado, P. (2014) “Armando Guerra y el tratamiento de la cartografía en El Debate durante la Primera Guerra Mundial” in revista Historia y comunicación social, nº 19, pp. 61-78, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ISSN 1137-0734; ISSN-e 1988-3056. 

Puebla, B., González Díez, L. & Pérez Cuadrado, P. (2015) “Las cabeceras de la prensa diaria como refuerzo de la identidad de marca en los periódicos deportivos españoles impresos y online” in Fonseca, Journal of communication, nº 10, pp. 50-78, Universidad de Salamanca, ISSN: 2172-9077

Pérez Cuadrado, P. Puebla, B. & González Díez, L. (2015) “El cartógrafo que salvó un diario / The Mapmaker who Saved a Newpaper” in Errea, J. 22 Premios internacionales de infografía Malofiej, Navarra: Society for news design.
González Díez, L. & Pérez Cuadrado, P. (2015) La gráfica del deporte: fotografía, edición y diseño en prensa. Madrid: Fundación Universitaria San Pablo.


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How to Cite

González Diez, L. ., Puebla Martínez, B. ., Birkner, T., & Pérez Cuadrado, P. . (2015). Newspaper design as a fundamental element of the tabloid press. An analysis of the causes of the closure of Claro newspaper. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (70), 859–877.


